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[英]Stack div elements in css vertically (with dynamic height)

I'm trying for hours now to get the following working: 我正在努力几个小时才能完成以下工作:

I'd like to have three divs in an container div. 我想在一个容器div中有三个div。

  1. They need to be stacked vertically (topDiv, middleDiv, bottomDiv) 它们需要垂直堆叠(topDiv,middleDiv,bottomDiv)
  2. the topDiv should be 20px tall (fixed) topDiv应为20px高(固定)
  3. the middleDiv should take the rest of space left (like * in a table or \\vfill in LaTeX) middleDiv应该占用剩余的空间(例如表中的*或LaTeX中的\\ vfill)
  4. the bottomDiv should be 50px tall (fixed) bottomDiv应为50px高(固定)

that does not sound so hard does it? 听起来不那么难吗? I just can't figure it out! 我只是想不通!

thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

something like this may work for you: 这样的事情可能为您工作:

http://jsfiddle.net/nCrEc/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/nCrEc/1/

edit: 编辑:

this version scales with the browser window http://jsfiddle.net/nCrEc/2/ 此版本随浏览器窗口http://jsfiddle.net/nCrEc/2/缩放

html: 的HTML:

<div class="con">
    <div class="top"></div>
    <div class="middle"></div>
    <div class="bottom"></div>

css: CSS:

.con{width:200px; top:0;bottom:0;left:0; position:absolute;background:#ff0;}


.middle{width:200px;min-height:1px; position:absolute;bottom:50px;top:20px;left:0;background:#06f;}

It's easy with Flexbox but it is still being developed and only really works in Chrome at the moment. 使用Flexbox很容易,但它仍在开发中,目前仅在Chrome中有效。

Otherwise, you can use * {box-sizing: border-box;} to make your life easier. 否则,您可以使用* {box-sizing: border-box;}使您的生活更轻松。 There is even an IE6-7 polyfill if supporting old browsers is important to you. 如果支持旧的浏览器对您来说很重要,甚至还有IE6-7 polyfill

Here is an example . 这是一个例子

*{-moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; margin:0; padding:0;}
html,body{width:100%; height:100%;}
div{width:100%; background:salmon;}
.middle {background:lightblue; height:100%; padding:100px 0;}
.top, .bottom {height:100px; position: absolute; left:0;}
.top {top:0; }
.bottom {bottom: 0;}

I did something very similar on this website: 我在这个网站上做了非常相似的事情:

http://www.probusllandudno.org.uk/ http://www.probusllandudno.org.uk/

click the dinners 2012 link (and, if using FF web developer, u can use view generated source) 点击2012年的Dinners链接(如果使用FF Web开发人员,则可以使用查看生成的源代码)

The main points are putting the divs in order in the doc, assigning fixed width (in my case) or width=100%, top and botom divs have fixed height see the css 要点是在文档中将div排序,分配固定宽度(在我的情况下)或width = 100%,顶部和底部div具有固定高度,请参见css


Another response offers a sophisticated solution that covers issues around most specifically padding.. You haven't specified how your content might influence the solution. 另一个答复提供了一个复杂的解决方案,涵盖了最具体的填充问题。.您尚未指定内容可能如何影响解决方案。 My web page is just centered text 我的网页只是居中文字

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