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抛出 RestClientException 时如何检索 HTTP 状态代码和响应正文?

[英]How do I retrieve HTTP status code and response body when an RestClientException is thrown?

The methods of RestTemplate such as postForEntity() throw RestClientException . RestTemplate的方法如postForEntity()抛出RestClientException I would like to extract the HTTP status code and response body from that exception object in the catch block.我想从 catch 块中的异常对象中提取 HTTP 状态代码和响应正文。 How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Instead of catching RestClientException , catch the special HttpClientErrorException .不是捕获RestClientException ,而是捕获特殊的HttpClientErrorException

Here's an example:下面是一个例子:

try {
    Link dataCenterLink = serviceInstance.getLink("dataCenter");
    String dataCenterUrl = dataCenterLink.getHref();
    DataCenterResource dataCenter =
        restTemplate.getForObject(dataCenterUrl, DataCenterResource.class);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
    HttpStatus status = e.getStatusCode();
    if (status != HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) { throw e; }

HttpClientErrorException provides getStatusCode and getResponseBodyAsByteArray to get the status code and body, respectively. HttpClientErrorException提供了getStatusCodegetResponseBodyAsByteArray分别获取状态码和正文。

Catch RestClientResponseException instead.改为捕获RestClientResponseException It's more generic.它更通用。

From the docs : Common base class for exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.来自文档:包含实际 HTTP 响应数据的异常的通用基类。

In some cases, HttpClientErrorException is not thrown.在某些情况下,不会抛出HttpClientErrorException For example the following method restTemplate.exchange call:例如下面的方法restTemplate.exchange调用:

ResponseEntity<Employee[]> employees =  restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, entity, Employee[].class);

Gets the http body and marshalls it to an Entity.获取 http 主体并将其编组到实体。 If remote resource returns a rare error, internal marshall does not work and just a RestClientException is thrown.如果远程资源返回一个罕见的错误,内部编组不起作用,只会抛出一个RestClientException

restTemplate.setErrorHandler restTemplate.setErrorHandler

In this case or if you want to handle any error in restTemplate operations, you could use setErrorHandler .在这种情况下,或者如果您想处理restTemplate操作中的任何错误,您可以使用setErrorHandler This method receives a basic ResponseErrorHandler with helpful methods.这个方法接收一个基本的ResponseErrorHandler和有用的方法。

This method hasError allowed me to get the remote http body text and helped me to detect the error of the invocation or in the remote http remote resource:这个方法hasError允许我获取远程 http 正文文本并帮助我检测调用错误或远程 http 远程资源中的错误:

restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new ResponseErrorHandler() {

  public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse arg0) throws IOException {

    System.out.println("StatusCode from remote http resource:"+arg0.getStatusCode());
    System.out.println("RawStatusCode from remote http resource:"+arg0.getRawStatusCode());
    System.out.println("StatusText from remote http resource:"+arg0.getStatusText());

    String body = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(arg0.getBody()))

    System.out.println("Error body from remote http resource:"+body);
    return false;

  public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse arg0) throws IOException {
    // do something

Also, you can manually evaluate the body or status and return true or false in order to flag as error or not.此外,您可以手动评估正文或状态并返回 true 或 false 以标记为错误与否。

private void sendActivity(StatsActivity statsActivity) throws InterruptedException 
    LibraryConnectorXapiEditView libraryConnectorXapiEditView = (LibraryConnectorXapiEditView) workerBundle.getConnector();
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
    Statement statement = libraryConnectorConverter.convertActivityToStatement(statsActivity, workerBundle);
    HttpEntity<Statement> request = new HttpEntity<>(statement, headers);
       String lrsEndPoint = libraryConnectorXapiEditView.getLrsEndPoint() + "/statements";
       ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.exchange(lrsEndPoint, HttpMethod.POST, request, String.class);
       ocnCompletionEventDao.save(this.convertToOcnCompletionEvent(statsActivity, response.getBody(), response.getStatusCodeValue()));
    catch (HttpClientErrorException ex)
      ocnCompletionEventDao.save(this.convertToOcnCompletionEvent(statsActivity, ex.getResponseBodyAsString(), ex.getStatusCode().value()));
      checkResponse(ex, libraryConnectorXapiEditView);  

private void checkResponse(HttpClientErrorException ex, LibraryConnectorXapiEditView libraryConnectorXapiEditView) throws InterruptedException 
    int statusCode = ex.getStatusCode().value();
    int retryAfterSeconds = retryAfter(ex.getResponseHeaders());
    switch (statusCode)
    case 401: 
        headers = xApiAuthorizationUtils.getHeaders(libraryConnectorXapiEditView);
    case 429:
    case 422: 


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