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Java-如何在Apache Ivy中创建JavaDocs

[英]Java - How to create JavaDocs in Apache Ivy

I know how to create javadocs for my source file in Apache Ant Build . 我知道如何在Apache Ant Build中为源文件创建javadocs

 <target name="doc" description="generate documentation">
    <delete dir="${doc.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}"/>
    <javadoc sourcepath="${source.dir}" destdir="${doc.dir}"/>

But I don't know how to create them in Apache Ivy . 但是我不知道如何在Apache Ivy中创建它们。

Could some one show me a sample example ? 有人可以给我看一个示例例子吗?

Apache Ivy is a dependency management library for use with (not a replacement for) Apache Ant. Apache Ivy是一个与Apache Ant一起使用(而不是替代)的依赖管理库。 Therefore, you will use the same <javadoc> task as always. 因此,您将像往常一样使用相同的<javadoc>任务。

Apache Ivy is a dependency manager that works with Ant (a build manager). Apache Ivy是与Ant(构建管理器)一起使用的依赖项管理器。 Apache Ivy is usually (or possible always?) used with Ant to handle builds. Apache Ivy通常(或可能总是?)与Ant一起使用来处理构建。 Since javadoc creation is a build task not a dependency task, it wouldn't make sense to generate javadocs using Ivy. 由于javadoc的创建是一个构建任务而不是一个依赖项任务,因此使用Ivy生成javadoc毫无意义。

It looks like you're going around in a circle here. 看来您在这里转了一圈。 Ivy works with Ant. 常春藤与蚂蚁一起工作。 You still have a build.xml file that you use for your builds. 您仍然具有用于构建的build.xml文件。 The ivy.xml file simply contains a list of the third-party jars your project needs in order to build. ivy.xml文件仅包含项目要构建的第三方jar的列表。 Thus, the direct answer to your question would be: 因此,您的问题的直接答案将是:

Put the following in your build.xml : 将以下内容放入您的build.xml

<target name="doc" description="generate documentation">
    <delete dir="${doc.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}"/>
    <javadoc sourcepath="${source.dir}" destdir="${doc.dir}"/>

When you use Ivy, you still use Ant. 当您使用Ivy时,仍会使用Ant。 And, you still have a build.xml file. 并且,您仍然有一个build.xml文件。 And, you still write compose your build with various Ant tasks. 并且,您仍然使用各种Ant任务编写组成您的构建。

Download this project . 下载此项目 It's a simple build that contains three class files and a build.xml file. 这是一个简单的构建,其中包含三个类文件和一个build.xml文件。 You will notice there's a jar directory with the following two jars: 您会注意到有一个包含以下两个jar的jar目录:

  • commons-logging-1.1.1.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
  • spring.jar spring.jar

If you look at lines 36 to 40 of the build.xml file, the project is creating a compile classpath like this: 如果您查看build.xml文件的第36至40行,则该项目正在创建一个编译类路径,如下所示:

 <path id="java">
     <fileset file="jar/spring.jar"/>
     <fileset file="jar/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar"/>

So, when he compiles, he does this: 因此,当他编译时,他这样做:

 <javac destdir="bin">
     <src path="${src}"/>
     <classpath refid="java"/>

Now, let's look at how this may change with Ivy. 现在,让我们看一下常春藤的情况。 In Ivy, I create a ivy.xml file that contains a description of what jars I need. 在Ivy中,我创建一个ivy.xml文件,其中包含我需要的jar的描述。 However, I only have to specify classes I use directly. 但是,我只需要指定直接使用的类即可。 In this case, I only need the spring.jar . 在这种情况下,我只需要spring.jar Here's my ivy.xml : 这是我的ivy.xml

<ivy-module version="1.0>
     <info organisation="com.seantheflexguy"  

        <conf="default" visibility="public"/>
        <conf="compile" visibility="public"/>

        <dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring"
            rev="2.0.4"   conf="compile->default"/>

Now, instead, of using the jars in the jar directory, I'll have Ivy construct the classpath: 现在,代替使用jar目录中的jar ,我将让Ivy构造类路径:

 <ivy:cachepath pathid="java"/>

 <javac destdir="bin">
     <src path="${src}"/>
     <classpath refid="java"/>

Notice instead of using the <path> task to create a classpath, I use two Ant tasks that Ivy uses. 请注意,我使用了Ivy使用的两个Ant任务,而不是使用<path>任务创建类路径。 The <ivy:resolve/> looks at my ivy.xml and resolves my dependencies on the jars I request. <ivy:resolve/>查看我的ivy.xml并解析我对我请求的jar的依赖关系。 These jars will be downloaded into my $HOME/.ivy2/cache directory. 这些罐子将下载到我的$HOME/.ivy2/cache目录中。

The <ivy:cachepath> task creates a classpath I'm calling the classpath java because that's what it was previously called. <ivy:cachepath>任务创建一个我称为类路径java的类路径,因为以前是这样的。

With those two Ivy tasks, I've created a classpath that I can use with the <javac> task. 通过这两个Ivy任务,我创建了一个可用于<javac>任务的类路径。 In fact, I'm not even bothering to change the <javac> task. 实际上,我什至不愿意更改<javac>任务。

So, in Ivy: 因此,在常春藤中:

  • I still need my build.xml . 我仍然需要我的build.xml It's how I define the various build tasks I need to do. 这就是我定义需要执行的各种构建任务的方式。 In fact, Ivy defines even more Ant tasks I need in my build.xml file. 实际上,Ivy在build.xml文件中定义了我需要的更多Ant任务。
  • The ivy.xml file simply defines my jar dependencies. ivy.xml文件只是定义了我的jar依赖项。 When I implement Ivy in this project, I can delete the jar directory. 在该项目中实现Ivy时,可以删除jar目录。

Does this help you understand how Ivy works? 这是否有助于您了解常春藤的工作原理?

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