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[英]How to create a javascript library using a closure

I have written some javascript that I would to encapsulate in a closure so I can use it elsewhere. 我写了一些javascript,我将封装在一个闭包中,所以我可以在其他地方使用它。 I would like do do this similar to the way jQuery has done it. 我想这样做类似于jQuery的方式。 I would like to be able to pass in an id to my closure and invoke some functions on it, while setting some options. 我希望能够将id传递给我的闭包并在其上调用一些函数,同时设置一些选项。 Similar to this: 与此类似:

<script type="text/javascript">
        imageSrc : someImage.png

I have read a lot of different posts on how to use a closure to do this but am still struggling with the concept. 我已经阅读了很多关于如何使用闭包来做这个的不同帖子,但我仍在努力解决这个问题。 Here is where I left off: 这是我离开的地方:

_snr = {};
(function (_snr) {

    function merge(root){
        for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ )
            for ( var key in arguments[i] )
                root[key] = arguments[i][key];
        return root;

    _snr.draw = function (options) {

        var defaults = {
            canvasId : 'canvas',
            imageSrc : 'images/someimage.png'

        var options = merge(defaults, options)

        return this.each(function() {
            //More functions here

    _snr.erase = function () {};


When ever I try to call the draw function like the first code section above, I get the following error, '_snr is not a function'. 当我尝试像上面的第一个代码部分一样调用draw函数时,我得到以下错误,'_snr不是函数'。 Where am I going wrong here? 我在哪里错了?

EDIT Here is what I ended up doing: 编辑这是我最终做的事情:

function _snr(id) {

    // About object is returned if there is no 'id' parameter
    var about = {
        Version: 0.2,
        Author: "ferics2",
        Created: "Summer 2011",
        Updated: "3 September 2012"

    if (id) {

        if (window === this) {
            return new _snr(id);

        this.e = document.getElementById(id);
        return this;
    } else {
        // No 'id' parameter was given, return the 'about' object
        return about;

_snr.prototype = (function(){

    var merge = function(root) {
        for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            for ( var key in arguments[i] ) {
                root[key] = arguments[i][key];
        return root;

    return {
        draw: function(options) {

            var defaults = {
                canvasId : 'canvas',
                imageSrc : 'images/someimage.png'

            options = merge(defaults, options);

            return this;

        erase: function() {
            return this;

I can now call: 我现在可以打电话给:

<script type="text/javascript">
        imageSrc : someImage.png

Because you declared _snr as an object and not a function. 因为您将_snr声明为对象而不是函数。 Functions can have properties and methods, so there's various ways to achieve what you want, for example one of them would be say... 函数可以有属性和方法,因此有多种方法可以实现你想要的东西,例如其中一个就是说......

_snr = function(tag) {
this.tag = tag;

_snr.foo = function() {
//Code goes here

You can also pass the outer context into a closure to hide your variables from accidentally polluting the global namespace, so like... 您还可以将外部上下文传递给闭包以隐藏变量,使其不会意外地污染全局命名空间,所以就像......

(function(global) {
var _snr = function(tag) {
this.tag = tag;

_snr.foo = function() {
//Code goes here

//export the function to the window context:
global._snr = _snr;


Happy coding. 快乐的编码。

Because your _snr is an object, not a function. 因为_snr是一个对象,而不是一个函数。 You have to call it like this: 你必须这样称呼它:

    canvasId: '#canvas',
    imageSrc: 'someImage.png'

When you do _snr('#canvas') that is a function call which is why you're getting that error. 当你执行函数调用的_snr('#canvas') ,这就是你得到错误的原因。 _snr is an object with some methods attached to it such as draw() and erase() . _snr是一个附加了一些方法的对象,例如draw()erase() The reason jQuery is able to pass arguments into the $ is because they return the $ as a function object which is why we're able to pass it various selectors as arguments. jQuery能够将参数传递给$的原因是因为它们将$作为函数对象返回,这就是为什么我们能够将各种选择器作为参数传递。

You are going wrong at the first line _snr = {} 你出错了第一行_snr = {}

It needs to be 它需要

_snr = function(){
    selector = arguments[0]||false;
    //snr init on dom object code
    return _snrChild;

Im on a mobile phone but when im on a pc I will maybe fix the whole code c: 我在手机上,但当我在电脑上,我可能会修复整个代码c:

Here you have a snr object and that has erase and draw methods. 这里有一个snr对象,它有擦除和绘制方法。 What you intend to do is to write a _snr function which will get an id and return a wrapper object. 你打算做的是写一个_snr函数,它将得到一个id并返回一个包装器对象。 That returned object should have erase and draw methods. 返回的对象应该有擦除和绘制方法。 so you can do var returnedObject = _snr("my_id"); 所以你可以做var returnedObject = _snr(“my_id”); returnedObject.draw("image.png"); returnedObject.draw( “image.png”);

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