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在Java Desktop应用程序中播放声音

[英]Playing sound in a Java Desktop application

How do we play sound (a music file of any format like .wma, .mp3 ) in a Java desktop application? 我们如何在Java桌面应用程序中播放声音(任何格式的音乐文件,如.wma,.mp3)? (not an applet) (不是小程序)

I have used the following code (taken from another question on Stack Overflow) but it throws an Exception. 我使用了以下代码(取自Stack Overflow的另一个问题),但它引发了异常。

public class playsound {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
s s=new s();
class s extends Thread{
    public void run(){
            InputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\srgf\\Desktop\\s.wma");
         AudioStream as =    new AudioStream(in); //line 26
        catch(Exception e){

The program when run throws the following Exception: 运行时,该程序引发以下异常:

java.io.IOException: could not create audio stream from input stream
    at sun.audio.AudioStream.<init>(AudioStream.java:82)
    at s.run(delplaysound.java:26)

Use this library: http://www.javazoom.net/javalayer/javalayer.html 使用此库: http : //www.javazoom.net/javalayer/javalayer.html

public void play() {
        String song = "http://www.ntonyx.com/mp3files/Morning_Flower.mp3";
        Player mp3player = null;
        BufferedInputStream in = null;
        try {
          in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(song).openStream());
          mp3player = new Player(in);
        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (JavaLayerException e) {
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {


Hope that helps everyone with a similar question :-) 希望对每个人有类似的问题有帮助:-)

Hmmm. This might look like advertisement for my stuff, but you could use my API here: 这可能看起来像是广告,但您可以在这里使用我的API:

https://github.com/s4ke/HotSound https://github.com/s4ke/HotSound

playback is quite easy with this one. 播放起来很简单。

Alternative: use Java Clips (prebuffering) 替代方法:使用Java剪辑(预缓冲)

... code ...
// specify the sound to play
File soundFile = new File("pathToYouFile");
//this does the conversion stuff for you if you have the correct SPIs installed
AudioInputStream inputStream = 
getSupportedAudioInputStreamFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(soundFile));

// load the sound into memory (a Clip)
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, inputStream.getFormat());
Clip clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);

// due to bug in Java Sound, explicitly exit the VM when
// the sound has stopped.
clip.addLineListener(new LineListener() {
  public void update(LineEvent event) {
    if (event.getType() == LineEvent.Type.STOP) {

// play the sound clip
... code ...

Then you need this method: 然后,您需要此方法:

public static AudioInputStream getSupportedAudioInputStreamFromInputStream(InputStream pInputStream) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException,
        IOException {
    AudioInputStream sourceAudioInputStream = AudioSystem
    AudioInputStream ret = sourceAudioInputStream;
    AudioFormat sourceAudioFormat = sourceAudioInputStream.getFormat();
    DataLine.Info supportInfo = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,
    boolean directSupport = AudioSystem.isLineSupported(supportInfo);
    if(!directSupport) {
        float sampleRate = sourceAudioFormat.getSampleRate();
        int channels = sourceAudioFormat.getChannels();
        AudioFormat newFormat = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
                channels * 2,
        AudioInputStream convertedAudioInputStream = AudioSystem
                .getAudioInputStream(newFormat, sourceAudioInputStream);
        sourceAudioFormat = newFormat;
        ret = convertedAudioInputStream;
    return ret;

Source for the Clip example (with little changes by me): http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Development-Class/AnexampleofloadingandplayingasoundusingaClip.htm Clip示例的源代码(我几乎没有做任何改动): http : //www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Development-Class/AnexampleofloadingandplayingasoundusingaClip.htm

SPIs are added via adding their .jars to the classpath 通过将.jar添加到类路径中来添加SPI

for mp3 these are: 对于mp3,这些是:

Using JavaFX (which is bundled with your JDK) is pretty simple. 使用JavaFX(与JDK捆绑在一起)非常简单。 You will need the following imports: 您将需要以下导入:

import javafx.scene.media.Media;
import javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer;
import javafx.util.Duration;

import java.nio.file.Paths;

Steps: 脚步:

Initialize JavaFX: 初始化JavaFX:

new JFXPanel();

Create a Media (sound): 创建Media (声音):

Media media = new Media(Paths.get(filename).toUri().toString());

Create a MediaPlayer to play the sound: 创建一个MediaPlayer播放声音:

MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media);

And play the Media : 并播放Media


You can set the start/stop times as well with MediaPlayer.setStartTime() and MediaPlayer.setStopTime() : 您还可以使用MediaPlayer.setStartTime()MediaPlayer.setStopTime()设置开始/停止时间:

player.setStartTime(new Duration(Duration.ZERO)); // Start at the beginning of the sound file
player.setStopTime(1000); // Stop one second (1000 milliseconds) into the playback

Or, you can stop playing with MediaPlayer.stop() . 或者,您可以停止使用MediaPlayer.stop()播放。

A sample function to play audio: 播放音频的示例功能:

public static void playAudio(String name, double startMillis, double stopMillis) {
    Media media = new Media(Paths.get(name).toUri().toString());
    MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media);

    player.setStartTime(new Duration(startMillis));
    player.setStopTime(new Duration(stopMillis));

More info can be found at the JavaFX javadoc . 可以在JavaFX javadoc上找到更多信息。

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