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[英]UriFormatException does not exist in .NET for Windows Store apps

Any idea how Uri.EscapeDataString() can throw a System.UriFormatException but it does not appear to be possible to catch it explicitly? 知道Uri.EscapeDataString()如何引发System.UriFormatException,但似乎无法明确捕获它吗?

If I try to catch it explicitly I just get "type or namespace name 'UriFormatException' does not exist in the namespace 'System'" 如果我尝试明确地捕获它,我只会得到“类型或名称空间名称'UriFormatException'在名称空间'System'中不存在”

According to Uri constructor help in MSDN: 根据MSDN中Uri构造函数的帮助:

In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, FormatException, instead. 在用于Windows Store应用程序的.NET或可移植类库中,捕获基类异常FormatException。

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