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[英]NullReference exception occurs even when the object is not null

I am new to wpf; 我是wpf的新手。 I am using an editable comboBox (for search purposes). 我正在使用可编辑的comboBox(出于搜索目的)。

When text in the ComboBox is changed, the search result is displayed underneath the datagrid. 更改组合框中的文本后,搜索结果将显示在数据网格下方。 When any row from the datagrid is selected its values are displayed in textboxes for editing. 从数据网格中选择任何行后,其值将显示在文本框中以进行编辑。

When I write something in the combobox, the related row is displayed in the data grid, but when I click to select a row, the application throws a nullreference exception . 当我在组合框中编写内容时,相关行显示在数据网格中,但是当我单击以选择一行时,应用程序将引发nullreference exception

My application worked correctly when the dataGrid refreshing logic was behind a button click. 当单击按钮后出现dataGrid刷新逻辑时,我的应用程序正常工作。

The code for "SelectionChange" Event of the dataGrid is: dataGrid的“ SelectionChange”事件的代码为:

private void CategoryRowSelected(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)

        categoryMember = CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem as CategoryTbl; // value assigned to the object
        // if (categoryMember != null)
        CategoryName.Text = categoryMember.CategoryName; //Exception thrown on this statement
        CategoryDescription.Text = categoryMember.CategoryDescription;

and code for the textChange event of ComboBox is: ComboBox的textChange事件的代码是:

private void RefreshDataGrid(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.TextChangedEventArgs e)
    CategoryDataGrid.SelectedIndex = -1;           
    //CategoryDataGrid.ItemsSource = RefreshQuery;
    CategoryDataGrid.ItemsSource= Admin.RefreshCategoryDataGrid(NameCombo.Text);
 CategoryName.Text = categoryMember.CategoryName; //Exception thrown on this statement

This can happen for multiple reasons - not just because categoryMember is null. 发生这种情况有多种原因-不仅是因为categoryMember为null。 It will also occur if: 在以下情况下也会发生:

  • categoryMember.CategoryName (the CategoryName property itself) returns null , as TextBox.Text and similar properties raise the exception if you set the value to null . categoryMember.CategoryNameCategoryName属性本身)返回null ,因为如果将TextBox.Text和类似的属性的值设置为null则会引发异常。
  • CategoryName (the control) is null CategoryName (控件)为null

Also, I see you had a null check (for debugging?), but it is commented out. 另外,我看到您有一个null检查(用于调试?),但已将其注释掉。 If CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem is not assignable to CategoryTbl , you will receive null in categoryMember itself. 如果CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem是不能分配给CategoryTbl ,您会收到在空categoryMember本身。

in addition to @Reed answer would say, that considering that you say that on Button click it works, I immagine Button was on the cell. 除了@Reed回答之外,考虑到您说在Button单击时它起作用,我想像Button在单元格上。 In this case returned type is a different then may happen in CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem . 在这种情况下,返回的类型是不同的,然后可能发生在CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem Most probabbly CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem is a container of a some type and not directly of a type CategoryTbl 最有可能的CategoryDataGrid.SelectedItem是某种类型的容器 ,而不是直接类型为CategoryTbl容器

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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