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[英]Alternative to window.load

I have an Ajax page with some large images which are preloaded. 我有一个Ajax页面,其中预载了一些大图像。 I feel the need to display a div with a loading message, and then to fade it out when all images are loaded. 我觉得有必要显示一个带有加载消息的div,然后在加载所有图像时将其淡出。 Currently I use this code: 目前,我使用以下代码:

$(function () {

    $(window).load(function () {
            visibility: 'hidden'
            .fadeTo(200, function () {


And the HTML is simply placed in the page <div id="images-loading"></div> Though, it does not work, and I don't fully understand why. 而且HTML只是放在页面<div id="images-loading"></div>尽管它不起作用,我也不完全理解为什么。 By not working, I mean, it does not fade out. 我的意思是,不工作不会消失。 It just remains. 它仍然存在。 I must say the script is placed in the actual ajax content itself, but is only fired when the page is refreshed. 我必须说脚本位于实际的Ajax内容本身中,但是仅在刷新页面时才会触发。 I lack the experience to solve this myself, so I'd appreciate any suggestions or some alterantive I can try out. 我缺乏自己解决此问题的经验,因此我很乐意尝试任何建议或替代方法。

If you want to locally check for images loading, you could traverse over all img elements and check their load event or use a plugin such as waitForImages (disclaimer: written by me). 如果要在本地检查是否加载了图像,则可以遍历所有img元素并检查其load事件,或使用诸如waitForImages的插件(免责声明:由我编写)。

In the success callback, simply do... 在成功回调中,只需执行...

$imagesLoading = $('#images-loading');


$("#container").waitForImages(function() {

Currently you are doing a few little things wrong: 当前,您在做一些小错误:

/// this first line basically says run my contents when the DOM is ready
$(function () {
  /// this second line says run my contents when the window is fully loaded
  /// but you are enabling this only after the DOM has loaded. Depending on
  /// the browser these two events can fire in either order so you may find
  /// situations where nothing would happen.
  $(window).load(function () {
    /// then you hide your image div
        visibility: 'hidden'
    /// but then ask it to fade in
        .fadeTo(200, function () {

A better way to write the above is as so: 这样写的更好的方法是:

/// once the page has fully loaded - i.e. everything including
/// images is ready - then hide our loading message. Set this
/// listener first as it could fire at any time.
$(window).load(function () {

/// as soon as the DOM is ready, show our loading message
/// the DOM event should fire before window load
  /// if you are learning it is far better to name your functions
  /// and then reference them where they are needed. It makes things
  /// easier to read.
  function whenFadeIsComplete(){
    alert('fade in complete');
  /// rather than hide with setting style directly, use jQuery's own hide 
  /// function. Better still, use a CSS class directly on your #images-loading
  /// element that implements `display:none;` or `opacity:0;` - this will 
  /// render more quickly than JavaScript and mean you avoid your 
  /// loading div flickering into view before the fade in starts.
  $('#images-loading').hide().fadeTo(200, whenFadeIsComplete);

If you try the above it may fix your problem with regard to it only working when you forcibly refresh the page. 如果您尝试上述操作,则可能仅在强制刷新页面时才能解决有关此问题的问题。 However, you may find that if the images are cached in the browser, that you wont see your loading message (because the page loads too quickly) .. Forcing the browser refresh will clear the cache (in most browsers) and will give your message time to display again. 但是,您可能会发现,如果将图像缓存在浏览器中,则不会看到加载消息(因为页面加载速度太快) ..强制浏览器刷新将清除缓存(在大多数浏览器中)并给出消息时间再次显示。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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