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[英]how to return a value from _beginthread thread

I am in the process of creating a two thread array summation program and i am using windows.h threads. 我正在创建一个双线程数组求和程序,我正在使用windows.h线程。 And this is the code that i have so far. 这是我到目前为止的代码。

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>     // needed for _beginthread()

void  silly( void * );   // function prototype

using namespace std;

int arraySum[100];

int main()
    // Our program's first thread starts in the main() function.

    printf( "Now in the main() function.\n" );

    for(int i = 0 ; i  < 100 ; i++){
        arraySum[i] = i;

    // Let's now create our second thread and ask it to start
    // in the silly() function.

    _beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)1 );
    _beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)2 );

    Sleep( 100 );

    int a;
    cin >> a;


void  silly( void *arg )
    printf( "The silly() function was passed %d\n", (INT_PTR)arg ) ;
    int partialSum = 0;
    for(int i =50*((INT_PTR)arg - 1); i < 50 * ((INT_PTR)arg) ; i++){
    partialSum == arraySum[i];

What i seem to find it hard to do is make the function return the partion sum to the main method. 我似乎很难做到的是让函数将partion sum返回给main方法。 Could someone please help me out. 请有人帮帮我。

Pass the address of an int to silly() , which can act as both input and output parameter, and have silly() populate it with the value required by the caller: int的地址传递给silly() ,它可以作为输入和输出参数,并让silly()用调用者所需的值填充它:

int silly_result_1 = 1;
int silly_result_2 = 2;

_beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)&silly_result_1 );
_beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)&silly_result_2 );

void silly( void *a_arg )
    int* arg = (int*) a_arg;

You need to wait for the two threads to complete. 您需要等待两个线程完成。

Note it is necessary that the variables whose addresses are passed to _beginthread() exist for the lifetime of the thread. 注意,地址传递给_beginthread()的变量必须在线程的生命周期内存在。 For example, the following would result in undefined behaviour: 例如,以下将导致未定义的行为:

void _start_my_thread()
    int silly_result = 2;
    _beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)&silly_result );
} /* 'silly_result' is out of scope but still used by the thread. */

This can be solved by dynamically allocating memory for the variable (and decide whether the main thread or the new thread is reponsible for destroying the allocated memory). 这可以通过为变量动态分配内存来解决(并确定主线程或新线程是否可用于销毁已分配的内存)。

You cannot make the thread itself return something. 你不能让线程本身返回一些东西。 Instead you can use a struct in your starting call. 相反,您可以在起始调用中使用结构。

_beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)1 );

If you change that to 如果你改变它

typedef struct dataStruct {
    int ID;
    int returnValue;

dataStruct thread_1;
thread_1.ID = 1;
thread_1.returnValue = 0;
_beginthread( silly, 0, (void*)&thread_1 );

Inside your thread you then set the returnValue as needed, and can go on from there 然后在你的线程中根据需要设置returnValue,并可以从那里开始

In C++11 you might want to use futures for this: 在C ++ 11中,您可能希望将future用于此:

#include <future>
#include <numeric>
#include <iostream>

int arraySum[100];

int partial_sum(int start)
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = start; i < start + 50; ++i)
        sum += arraySum[i];
    return sum;

int main()
    for(int i = 0 ; i  < 100 ; i++)
        arraySum[i] = i;
    auto a = std::async([]() {return partial_sum(0);});
    auto b = std::async([]() {return partial_sum(50);});
    std::cout << a.get() + b.get() << "\n";

Maybe you want to pass a std::launch::async launch policy to std::async to enforce to create threads. 也许你想将std::launch::async启动策略传递给std::async来强制创建线程。

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