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[英]C# Form Application int to string error

I am really stuck on this one - I am trying to create an if statement and display the value assigned to the variable in a text box. 我真的很坚持这一点-我试图创建一个if语句,并在文本框中显示分配给变量的值。 I keep coming across a "Cannot implicity convert int to string" building error. 我不断遇到“无法隐式将int转换为字符串”的构建错误。 Thanks. 谢谢。

        int n1;
        int userInput = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);
        if (userInput == 4)
            n1 = 60;

        else if (userInput ==3)

        textBox2.Text = (n1); //"Cannot implicity convert int to string" 

You have declared n1 as int . 您已将n1声明为int The Text property of textBox2 is of type string . textBox2Text属性的类型为string So you first have to convert n1 to string before you can assign it to the Text . 因此,首先必须将n1转换为string然后才能将其分配给Text

textBox2.Text = n1.ToString();


textBox2.Text = n1.ToString();


textBox2.Text = n1.ToString();

You have to convert int to string 您必须将int转换为字符串


or 要么


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