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[英]Drupal commerce product catalog

I want To create a product cataloge page which has Two section on one side there will be all products And on the other side there will be filters to select The products which has the specific taxonomy term attached to it. 我要创建一个产品目录页面,该页面的一侧有两个部分,将有所有产品,而在另一侧则有过滤器,以选择具有特定分类法术语的产品。

Is there any way i can achieve this.... I am using drupal 7 with drupal commerce 我有什么办法可以实现这一目标?...我在Drupal Commerce中使用了Drupal 7

Thanks 谢谢

This has got nothing specific to do with Drupal commerce. 这与Drupal商业无关。

It can be easily done with the views module. 使用views模块可以轻松完成。

  1. You can create aa page display, set all the fields that you want to display. 您可以创建一个页面显示,设置要显示的所有字段。
  2. Create one contextual filter that will filter based on the taxonomy term from the url. 创建一个上下文过滤器,该过滤器将根据网址中的分类术语进行过滤。
  3. Create all the filters that you wish to display to the user. 创建您希望显示给用户的所有过滤器。
  4. Make sure that you select the checkbox "expose to the user" to make it visible to the end user. 确保选中“向用户公开”复选框,以使其对最终用户可见。

You are good to go. 你已准备好出发。 If you are particular about having the filters side by side to the catalog, select the option create a block with the exposed filter option. 如果您特别想将过滤器并排放置在目录中,请选择该选项,使用暴露的过滤器选项创建一个块。 And then place the block [available on your block listing page] accordingly. 然后相应地放置该区块[可在您的区块列表页面上找到]。

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