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[英]dom traversal using jquery

I have this html and want to traverse the dom and place a value in the span that has the 我有这个HTML,并希望遍历dom并在具有的跨度中放置一个值


after the page is loaded using jquery. 使用jquery加载页面后。 I must take into consideration that the are other html on the same page with same structre as this. 我必须考虑到同一页面上的其他html与此结构相同。 The only difference is that each of them has a unique td id. 唯一的区别是每个人都有一个独特的td id。 Here is the html: 这是html:

 <td id="bankname">
  <div unselectable="on" style="-webkit-user-select: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color:
   rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); width: 66px; " class=" select-area select-modify_select  
   select-focus ">
   <span class="left"></span>
   <span class="center">B.N.S.</span>
   <a class="select-opener"></a>
    $('#bankname span.center').text( theValueYouWant );

This way you search for a <span> tag having center class inside #bankname element. 这样,您可以在#bankname元素中搜索具有center类的<span>标记。

$('#bankname span.center').text( newValue );
$('#bankname span.center').text('Hello World!!');

我更喜欢.html() ,因为它比.text()快一点

$('#bankname span.center').html('Hello World!!');

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