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[英]change substring to upper case

I have this query to select part of substring by >. 我有此查询通过>选择子字符串的一部分。

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(translation, '>', 1) FROM categorias

What I want is update the substring to the upper case. 我想要的是将子字符串更新为大写。

However this query has a sintax error 但是此查询有一个sintax错误

UPDATE A.translation
SET A.translation = UPPER(SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(A.translation, '>', 1))
FROM categorias as A

Any help? 有什么帮助吗?

data example: 数据示例:

Raw Materials & Chemicals > Rubber & Elastomers 

that should be updated to 应该更新为

RAW MATERIALS & CHEMICALS > Rubber & Elastomers 

I believe you can remove the inner SELECT and you can alter your UPDATE syntax slightly to the following: 我相信您可以删除内部的SELECT并且可以将UPDATE语法略微更改为以下内容:

UPDATE categorias
SET translation = UPPER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(translation, '>', 1))

Based on your comments I think you want the following: 根据您的评论,我认为您需要:

 UPDATE categorias
 SET translation 
          UPPER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(translation, '>', 1)),
          SUBSTRING(translation, INSTR(translation, '>')));

See SQL Fiddle with Demo 参见带有演示的SQL Fiddle

UPDATE references the table, not the column you are updating, eg: UPDATE引用表,而不是要更新的列,例如:

UPDATE categorias 
SET translation = UPPER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(translation, '>', 1)) 

Note also, you don't need to use SELECT with string functions, they return their results without it. 还要注意,您不需要将SELECT与字符串函数一起使用,它们会在不使用SELECT情况下返回结果。

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