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[英]why does this C code outputs 1

Is there any reason why: 是否有任何原因?

void function_foo(){
    int k[8];
    function_math(k, 8);

void function_math(int *k, int i){
    printf("value: %d", k[i]);

The main execute function_foo() ; 主要执行function_foo() ;

The output will be 1? 输出将为1? There's no initialization for elements of matrix k. 矩阵k的元素没有初始化。 Maybe something with the length of int in memory? 也许内存中有int长度的东西?

I am new to C concepts, the pointers and everything. 我是C概念,指针和所有事物的新手。

It is undefined behaviour to evaluate k[8] , since k only has 8 elements, not 9. 评估k[8]不确定的行为 ,因为k仅包含8个元素,而不是9个元素。

There is little point arguing about the consequences of undefined behaviour. 关于不确定行为的后果争论不休。 Anything could happen. 什么事情都可能发生。 Your program is not well-formed. 您的程序格式不正确。

(Note that it would even be undefined behaviour to evaluate k[0] , ..., k[7] , since they are unini­tia­lized . You have to write to them first, or initialize the array, such as int k[8] = { 1, 2 }; .) (请注意,它甚至会是不确定的行为,以评估k[0] ,..., k[7]因为它们是未初始化的 ,你必须给他们写第一,或初始化数组,如int k[8] = { 1, 2 };

This is the value which is at the memory position after the last element of your declared array. 这是声明的数组的最后一个元素之后的内存位置中的值。

If you run this code in a week again, it could be 42 or anything else which is stored at this time on this specific memory address. 如果您在一周内再次运行此代码,则可能是42或当前存储在此特定内存地址上的任何其他内容。 Also a segmentation fault could be possible in this case. 在这种情况下,也可能出现分段错误。

You are stepping out of the bounds of the array k. 您正在跳出数组k的边界。

To access the last element of k try using function_math(k, 7) 要访问k的最后一个元素,请尝试使用function_math(k, 7)

The array is also not initialized so the values inside will be undefined. 该数组也未初始化,因此其中的值将是不确定的。

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