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[英]Internationalization in xcode4.5 with base internationalization

Im new to internationalization 我是国际化的新手

i followed this steps , 我按照这个步骤,

  • Clicked the "make localized" on my nib files that needed localization 点击我需要本地化的nib文件上的“make localized”
  • Went to project settings , enabled base internationalization 去项目设置,启用基础国际化


  • Added a few languages 添加了几种语言
  • Settings controller and Settings xib looks like this 设置控制器和设置xib如下所示


  • Changed some strings in settings.strings(another language) 在settings.strings(另一种语言)中更改了一些字符串
  • build and run , change language 建立和运行,改变语言
  • at the settings controller, changes are not reflected 在设置控制器中,不会反映更改

checking my finder's project folder i see the en , cn , ko project folders 检查我的finder的项目文件夹我看到en,cn,ko项目文件夹

I seem to be missing an important step here 我似乎在这里错过了一个重要的步骤

look this: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#referencelibrary/GettingStarted/RoadMapiOS/chapters/InternationalizeYourApp/InternationalizeYourApp/InternationalizeYourApp.html 看看这个: http//developer.apple.com/library/ios/#referencelibrary/GettingStarted/RoadMapiOS/chapters/InternationalizeYourApp/InternationalizeYourApp/InternationalizeYourApp.html

This tutorial will help you localize the following text: 本教程将帮助您本地化以下文本:

  1. The text in the storyboards for both languages 两种语言的故事板中的文本
  2. The string that the app constructs and displays when users click the Hello button 当用户单击Hello按钮时,应用程序构造和显示的字符串
  3. The name of the app as displayed to users 显示给用户的应用程序名称

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