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使用LINQ vb搜索多个关键字

[英]Search for multiple keywords using LINQ vb

I have some existing code that I need to modify to search more than one keyword. 我有一些现有代码需要修改以搜索多个关键字。 (I am new to all this by the way) (顺便说一句,我是新手)

Dim topics As IQueryable(Of Global.Platform.Core.Data.Topic) = _
               From t In _db.Topics
               Where t.IsActive = True And t.TopicTitle.Contains(criteria) And t.ForumID = 0 And Not t.TopicTitle.Contains("default") And t.Member.IsActive = True And t.IsActive = True
               Order By t.DateCreated Descending
               Select t
               Take (take_x)
Return topics

How would i go about changing this so if I entered criteria "cat hair" it would do an OR search. 我将如何进行更改,因此,如果我输入标准“猫毛”,它将进行“或”搜索。 so ...t.TopicTitle.Contains("cat") OR t.TopicTitle.Contains("hair") ... . 所以...t.TopicTitle.Contains("cat") OR t.TopicTitle.Contains("hair") ... Of course it would need to be dynamic. 当然,它必须是动态的。

I tried this but could not get it to work. 我试过了,但无法正常工作。

Dim criteriaArr As Array = criteria.Split(" ")
            Dim new_criteria As String = " t.TopicTitle.Contains(" + criteriaArr(0) + ")"
            If criteriaArr.Length > 1 Then
                For Each item As String In criteriaArr
                    new_criteria += " Or t.TopicTitle.Contains(" + item + ")"
            End If

The idea was to split the spaces and keep appending to the where clause. 想法是分割空格并继续追加到where子句。 I know in SQL this might have worked, but how would I go about in this scenario? 我知道在SQL中这可能有效,但是在这种情况下我将如何处理?

You can use a combination of .Any and .Contains : 您可以使用的组合.Any.Contains

var strings = new List<string> { "cat", "dog", "bill" };
using (var context = new MyEntities())
    var matches = context.MyObject.Where(x => strings.Any(s => x.TopicTitle.Contains(s)));


Dim strings = {"cat", "dog", "bill"}

Using context = New MyEntities()
    Dim matches = context.MyObject.Where(Function(x) strings.Any(Function(s) x.TopicTitle.Contains(s)))
End Using

This is taking the strings list of query words, and checking to see if there are any of them that the TopicTitle contains. 这将获取查询词的strings列表,并检查TopicTitle包含其中的任何一个。

Sorry, that's in C#, but you can see how to do the lamda expression in the .Where . 抱歉,在C#中,但是您可以在.Where看到如何执行lamda表达式。 Just send in a List to your method that does the query, and you're good to go. 只需将List发送到执行查询的方法中,就可以了。

Assuming TopicTitle and the criteria are space delimited strings I would intersect the two collections and check if there were any matches. 假设TopicTitle和条件是用空格分隔的字符串,那么我将两个集合相交,并检查是否存在任何匹配项。

        Dim topics As IQueryable(Of Global.Platform.Core.Data.Topic) = _
           From t In _db.Topics
           Where t.IsActive = True And t.TopicTitle.Intersect(criteria).Any()
                And t.ForumID = 0 And Not t.TopicTitle.Contains("default") 
                And t.Member.IsActive = True And t.IsActive = True
           Order By t.DateCreated Descending
           Select t
           Take (take_x)
        Return topics

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