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[英]C# reporting tool that compiles into the executable

I have a Winforms C# application that uses .Net framework 3.5. 我有一个使用.Net framework 3.5的Winforms C#应用程序。 The application currently makes use of Crystal Reports for various reporting functions. 该应用程序当前将Crystal Reports用于各种报告功能。 This application is typically being installed as a networked application; 该应用程序通常作为网络应用程序安装。 in other words, the application is installed on a server and then launched from the various workstations via a shortcut. 换句话说,该应用程序安装在服务器上,然后通过快捷方式从各个工作站启动。 To run correctly though, the Crystal Reports runtime needs to be installed on every workstation and this is a dependency that I would like to eliminate. 为了正确运行,必须在每个工作站上安装Crystal Reports运行时,这是我要消除的依赖性。 My goal is to be able to install the application on the server and then as long as .Net framework 3.5 is installed on the client, the application, including reporting, will launch and execute correctly. 我的目标是能够在服务器上安装该应用程序,然后,只要在客户端上安装了.Net framework 3.5,该应用程序(包括报告)将正确启动并执行。

So does anyone know if it is possible to compile Crystal Reports into the executable so that the dependency on the runtime is eliminated, or, failing that, know of an alternative to Crystal Reports that can does not depend on a runtime being installed on the client? 谁知道是否有可能将Crystal Reports编译为可执行文件,从而消除对运行时的依赖性,否则,是否知道不依赖于客户端上安装的运行时的Crystal Reports替代方案? ?


I am currently looking at using a Visual Studio 2008 ReportViewer control as an alternative to Crystal Reports . 我目前正在使用Visual Studio 2008 ReportViewer控件替代Crystal Reports I have never used this control before (or 'Reporting Services' for that matter), but from what I have read it is possible to setup this control to run using a built-in reporting engine (a so-called 'local mode'). 我以前从未使用过此控件(或“ Reporting Services”),但据我所读,可以设置此控件以使用内置的报告引擎(所谓的“本地模式”)运行。 If this is indeed the case, then I should be able to define the reports in Visual Studio 2008 and compile them into the application executable so that neither Reporting Services on the server nor a reporting runtime on the client need be installed. 如果确实如此,那么我应该能够在Visual Studio 2008定义报告并将其编译为应用程序可执行文件,这样就无需在服务器上安装Reporting Services或在客户端上安装报告运行时。

Crystal Reports does always need to install standalone, I've been dealing with that for a while now, mine is a ClickOnce Application, actually I'm making some Reports using Report Viewer but I should warn you IT NEEDS TO INSTALL TOO on client machines so you will need Admin Privilegies on new installs. Crystal Reports确实总是需要独立安装,我已经处理了一段时间了,我的是ClickOnce应用程序,实际上我正在使用Report Viewer制作一些Reports,但是我应该警告您,它也需要在客户端计算机上安装因此您在新安装时将需要管理员权限。

What I 'm doin now is changing to a pure dll generation reporting solution as Telerik or DevExpress, right now I'm using DevExpress one. 我现在正在做的事情正在更改为Telerik或DevExpress的纯dll生成报告解决方案,现在我正在使用DevExpress。

Disclaimer: I do NOT work for either company. 免责声明:我不为任何一家公司工作。

Regards, 问候,

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