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使用Google Chrome V22将数据从CouchDB复制到PouchDB,以便在Windows 7上进行离线存储

[英]Replicate data from CouchDB to PouchDB for offline storage on windows 7 using google Chrome V22

I am trying to replicate data from CouchDB to PouchDB for offline storage using the code to pull data from CouchDB: 我正在尝试使用从CouchDB中提取数据的代码将数据从CouchDB复制到PouchDB以进行离线存储:

db.replicate.from('http://test.iriscouch.com/todo','idb://todo', function (err, changes) {
if (err) {
else {

I get these errors: 我收到这些错误:

  • Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 (Method Not Allowed) 无法加载资源:服务器响应状态为405(方法不允许)
  • XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://test.iriscouch.com/todo/ . XMLHttpRequest无法加载http://test.iriscouch.com/todo/ Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Access-Control-Allow-Origin不允许使用null。
  • Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'id' of undefined 未捕获的TypeError:无法调用未定义的方法'id'

Is there something I'm not doing correct? 有什么东西我做得不对吗?


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