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是什么<C-w>输入 Vim?

[英]What's the <C-w> key in Vim?

I see a lot of talk about different keys ( <CR> , <Cj> , and <Cw> ) in Vim and I'm wondering if there's a list somewhere ( :help ?) that tells what they are.我在 Vim 中看到很多关于不同键( <CR><Cj><Cw> )的讨论,我想知道某处是否有一个列表( :help ?)可以说明它们是什么。 I figured out <CR> is Enter ("carriage return", I suppose) but often the others don't make immediate sense.我发现<CR>是 Enter (我想是“回车”),但其他人通常没有立即意义。

So many key-bindings to learn in vim , you'd better learn how to use the :help .vim中要学习这么多键绑定,您最好学习如何使用:help
There are some tips to get help quickly:有一些提示可以快速获得帮助:

Ctrl-W in normal mode:正常模式下Ctrl-W

:h ^w

Ctrl-W in insert mode:插入模式下Ctrl-W

:h i^w

Ctrl-W in visual mode:可视模式下Ctrl-W

:h v^w

Ctrl-W in command mode:命令模式下Ctrl-W

:h c^w

Open help in another tabpage:在另一个标签页中打开帮助:

:tab h ^w

These are not keys, they are keys associated with the control key.这些不是键,它们是与控制键关联的键。 <Cj> means "Press j while pressing control". <Cj>表示“在按下控制的同时按下 j”。

<CR> is not carriage return, it's the redo command. <CR>不是回车,是重做命令。 <CR> is carriage return. <CR>是回车。 <CF> is page up, <CB> is page down, ... <CF>是向上翻页, <CB>是向下翻页,...

The control keys.控制键。 For instance, using <Cw> h (or j , k , l ) will toggle between open buffers.例如,使用<Cw> h (或jkl )将在打开的缓冲区之间切换。

<Cj> will move you down a line. <Cj>会让你下移一行。 Also, I could be wrong, but I believe the carriage return is <CR> (not <CR> ).另外,我可能是错的,但我相信回车是<CR> (不是<CR> )。

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