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[英]how to store user-specific data through chrome extension

I have created a chrome extension that, through an XMLHttpRequest, sends some variable values on a .php file which inserts these data to a mySQL database. 我创建了一个chrome扩展程序,该扩展程序通过XMLHttpRequest在.php文件上发送一些变量值,该文件将这些数据插入到mySQL数据库中。

In addition to this data, I also want to get user-specific information (a unique user_id for example) that will allow me to connect every piece of data to the user that generated it. 除了这些数据之外,我还希望获取特定于用户的信息(例如,唯一的user_id),该信息将使我能够将每条数据连接到生成该数据的用户。

My question is: Is this possible through a chrome extension, and if it is, can you please give me some pointers on where to start looking? 我的问题是:可以通过chrome扩展程序实现吗?如果可以,请给我一些有关从哪里开始查找的提示?

Thank you very much! 非常感谢你!

PS: I do not want to have the actual identities of the users, I just want to be able to differentiate data that came from different users. PS:我不想拥有用户的实际身份,我只是想能够区分来自不同用户的数据。


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