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压缩任务(Team Foundation Server)

[英]Compression Task (Team Foundation Server)

I'm using Team Foundation Server, and I have to make a compressed zip file from my source code automatically everytime the build server builds the code. 我正在使用Team Foundation Server,并且每次构建服务器构建代码时,都必须从源代码自动生成一个压缩的zip文件。 This is a fragment of my project file: 这是我的项目文件的一部分:

<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
    <CallTarget Targets="Zipper" />
<Target Name="Zipper" Condition="'$(ConfigTransform)'=='ImRunningOnTheServer'">

Are there any compression task available? 有可用的压缩任务吗? Maybe the desired task is defined in the Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll assembly - but I don't know where it is. 也许所需的任务是在Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll程序集中定义的-但我不知道它在哪里。 It is not available in the GAC, I think only on the build server. 它在GAC中不可用,我认为仅在构建服务器上可用。

There are Compression Tasks are part of the MSBuild Extension Pack . MSBuild Extension Pack中包含压缩任务。 I cannot find a link in the documentation at the moment (I think it's broken, or not IE9 compatible) to them, but they are there. 目前,我在文档中找不到指向它们的链接(我认为它已损坏或与IE9不兼容),但是它们在那里。

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