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[英]Wordpress navigation CSS compatibility issue

I'm at the very start of creating a clients website, however i've already hit a stumbling block; 我刚开始创建客户网站,但是我已经遇到了绊脚石。 i am trying to add a ribbon type look to the navigation in Wordpress, however whenever i add a padding or margin to the navigation (namely .menu ul), on iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, the right side of the ribbon extends across the screen further than it should. 我正在尝试向Wordpress中的导航添加功能区类型的外观,但是,每当我向导航中添加填充或边距(即.menu ul)时,在iPhone和iPad等iOS设备上,功能区的右侧就会屏幕超出其应有的范围。

Any idea as to what is causing this? 关于是什么原因的任何想法?

Site in question: http://site.n8geeks.com 有问题的网站: http//site.n8geeks.com

Edit: I changed the width of the .menu ul - It appears when i add a pixel value, it is interpreted differently in iOS browsers, however when i add a percentage value it seems fine on iOS. 编辑:我更改了.menu ul的宽度-当我添加像素值时出现,它在iOS浏览器中的解释不同,但是,当我添加百分比值时,它在iOS上似乎还不错。 Any ideas why this is? 任何想法为什么会这样?

Edit2: Now the issue is that the top part of the ribbon doesn't show on the right hand side on iOS devices (the bit that 'bends behind' the page). Edit2:现在的问题是,功能区的顶部没有在iOS设备上的右侧显示(该页面“弯曲”在后面)。 Any help? 有什么帮助吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

For those who may have a similar issue to me in the future, the problem was that Safari was taking the parent wrapper and resizing it to fit the screen. 对于将来可能与我有类似问题的人来说,问题在于Safari正在采用父包装器并调整其大小以适合屏幕。 Fixing this involved adding a new wrapper that was bigger than the #page wrapper. 要解决此问题,需要添加一个比#page包装器大的新包装器。

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