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在Delphi XE2中解析XML时发生访问冲突

[英]Access Violation while parsing XML in Delphi XE2

I'm trying to parse a MusicBraninz XML file in Delphi XE2 using the following code: 我正在尝试使用以下代码在Delphi XE2中解析MusicBraninz XML文件:

webquery := 'http://www.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/recording/?query='+escape(tracktitle)+'&artist:'+escape(ArtistTitle);

Log('WebQuery: ' + webquery, 0);

  XMLDoc:= TXMLDocument.Create(nil);
  XMLDoc.FileName := webQuery;
  XMLDoc.Active := True;

  Log('Report: ' + XMLDoc.XML.Text, 0);

   StartItemNode := XMLDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.First.ChildNodes.FindNode('release-list') ;

   ANode := StartItemNode;
     Result.Album := ANode.ChildNodes['title'].Text;  <-- Access Violation
     Result.Status:= ANode.ChildNodes['status'].Text;

     ANode := ANode.NextSibling;
   until ANode = nil;


The XML file is fetched correctly and looks like what's below: 正确提取了XML文件,如下所示:

<metadata xmlns="http://musicbrainz.org/ns/mmd-2.0#" xmlns:ext="http://musicbrainz.org/ns/ext#-2.0">
<recording-list offset="0" count="1">
<recording ext:score="100" id="a399eec1-d45d-4505-b475-ead0da6cad17">
<artist id="8fb78a16-0cba-4175-8c92-d9645dfb007d">
<release id="22b00afc-86ea-445a-8805-b6bfa33da74e">
<release-group type="EP" id="4e8fb87c-3760-48c1-a3d7-88e7a2c839fa">
<track-list offset="3" count="5">

My question is: am I doing anything wrong here? 我的问题是:我在这里做错什么了吗? All variables are declared and initialized OK. 声明并初始化所有变量。

Thanks, 谢谢,

You have an access violation because the FindNode method is returning a nil value and you are trying to access of a invalid memory location. 您遇到访问冲突,因为FindNode方法返回一个nil值,并且您试图访问无效的内存位置。 In order to use the FindNode method you must check the hierarchy (level) of the nodes to search and then check if the result is not nil . 为了使用FindNode方法,必须检查要搜索的节点的层次结构(级别),然后检查结果是否不是nil

Try this sample. 试试这个样本。

  XMLDoc:= LoadXMLDocument(webQuery);
   StartItemNode := XMLDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.FindNode('recording-list');
   if not Assigned(StartItemNode) then exit;
   StartItemNode := StartItemNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('recording');
   if Assigned(StartItemNode) then
     StartItemNode := StartItemNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('release-list');
     if Assigned(StartItemNode) then
       StartItemNode := StartItemNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('release');
       if Assigned(StartItemNode) then
         ANode := StartItemNode;
           Result.Album := ANode.ChildNodes['title'].Text;
           Result.Status:= ANode.ChildNodes['status'].Text;
           ANode := ANode.NextSibling;
         until ANode = nil;

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