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[英]Python set combinations of adjacent letters

I have a sequence of letters and want to find all combinations of letters possible by cutting off the letters around a certain letter. 我有一系列字母,想要通过切掉某个字母周围的字母来找到所有可能的字母组合。

C is my special letter here and X can be anything, so with a sequence: C是我的特殊字母,X可以是任何字母,所以有一个序列:


So all the possible combinations would be: 因此,所有可能的组合将是:


Is there a python function for this, or should I code it from scratch? 是否有一个python函数,或者我应该从头开始编码?

Thank you 谢谢

I would have coded it from scratch like this: 我会从头开始编码,如下所示:

def cuts(s,i): 
   return [ s[a:b] for a in range(i+1) for b in range(i+1,len(s)+1)]

where s is the string and i is the index of your "special letter" in s . 其中s是字符串, is “特殊字母”的索引。 Example: 例:

>>> cuts('XCXX', 1)
['XC', 'XCX', 'XCXX', 'C', 'CX', 'CXX']

Try counting the number of elements before and after your special element C . 尝试计算特殊元素C之前和之后的元素数量。 Then your combinations are uniquely defined by those two numbers, and you can just use string slicing to get a specific one. 然后,您的组合由这两个数字唯一定义,您可以使用字符串切片来获取特定的组合。

No, but you could do it as a one-liner. 不,但你可以做一个单线。

data = "XCXX"
cIndex = data.index("C")
permutations = [data[i:j+1] for i in range(cIndex+1) 
        for j in range(cIndex, len(data))]

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