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TypeScript 中对象字面量的类型定义

[英]Type definition in object literal in TypeScript

In TypeScript classes it's possible to declare types for properties, for example:在 TypeScript 类中,可以为属性声明类型,例如:

class className {
  property: string;

How do declare the type of a property in an object literal?如何在对象字面量中声明属性的类型?

I've tried the following code but it doesn't compile:我尝试了以下代码,但无法编译:

var obj = {
  property: string;

I'm getting the following error:我收到以下错误:

The name 'string' does not exist in the current scope当前作用域中不存在名称“字符串”

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?我做错了什么还是这是一个错误?

You're pretty close, you just need to replace the = with a : .你很接近,你只需要更换=: You can use an object type literal (see spec section 3.5.3) or an interface.您可以使用对象类型文字(请参阅规范第 3.5.3 节)或接口。 Using an object type literal is close to what you have:使用对象类型文字与您所拥有的很接近:

var obj: { property: string; } = { property: "foo" };

But you can also use an interface但是你也可以使用接口

interface MyObjLayout {
    property: string;

var obj: MyObjLayout = { property: "foo" };

Update 2019-05-15 (Improved Code Pattern as Alternative) 2019 年 5 月 15 日更新(改进的代码模式作为替代方案)

After many years of using const and benefiting from more functional code, I would recommend against using the below in most cases.经过多年使用const并从更多功能代码中受益,我建议在大多数情况下不要使用以下内容。 (When building objects, forcing the type system into a specific type instead of letting it infer types is often an indication that something is wrong). (在构建对象时,将类型系统强制转换为特定类型而不是让它推断类型通常表明出现了问题)。

Instead I would recommend using const variables as much as possible and then compose the object as the final step:相反,我建议尽可能使用const变量,然后将对象作为最后一步:

const id = GetId();
const hasStarted = true;
const hasFinished = false;
return {hasStarted, hasFinished, id};
  • This will properly type everything without any need for explicit typing.这将正确键入所有内容,而无需显式键入。
  • There is no need to retype the field names.无需重新键入字段名称。
  • This leads to the cleanest code from my experience.根据我的经验,这导致了最干净的代码。
  • This allows the compiler to provide more state verification (for example, if you return in multiple locations, the compiler will ensure the same type of object is always returned - which encourages you to declare the whole return value at each position - giving a perfectly clear intention of that value).这允许编译器提供更多的状态验证(例如,如果您在多个位置返回,编译器将确保始终返回相同类型的对象 - 这鼓励您在每个位置声明整个返回值 - 给出一个非常清楚的该值的意图)。

Addition 2020-02-26添加 2020-02-26

If you do actually need a type that you can be lazily initialized: Mark it is a nullable union type (null or Type).如果您确实需要一个可以延迟初始化的类型:将其标记为可空联合类型(null 或 Type)。 The type system will prevent you from using it without first ensuring it has a value.类型系统将阻止您在没有首先确保它具有值的情况下使用它。

In tsconfig.json , make sure you enable strict null checks:tsconfig.json ,确保启用严格的空检查:

"strictNullChecks": true

Then use this pattern and allow the type system to protect you from accidental null/undefined access:然后使用此模式并允许类型系统保护您免受意外空/未定义访问:

const state = {
    instance: null as null | ApiService,
    // OR
    // instance: undefined as undefined | ApiService,


const useApi = () => {
    // If I try to use it here, the type system requires a safe way to access it

    // Simple lazy-initialization 
    const api = state?.instance ?? (state.instance = new ApiService());

    // Also here are some ways to only access it if it has value:

    // The 'right' way: Typescript 3.7 required

    // Or the old way: If you are stuck before Typescript 3.7
    state.instance && state.instance.fun();

    // Or the long winded way because the above just feels weird
    if (state.instance) { state.instance.fun(); }

    // Or the I came from C and can't check for nulls like they are booleans way
    if (state.instance != null) { state.instance.fun(); }

    // Or the I came from C and can't check for nulls like they are booleans 
    // AND I was told to always use triple === in javascript even with null checks way
    if (state.instance !== null && state.instance !== undefined) { state.instance.fun(); }

class ApiService {
    fun() {
        // Do something useful here

Do not do the below in 99% of cases:在 99% 的情况下不要执行以下操作:

Update 2016-02-10 - To Handle TSX (Thanks @Josh) 2016 年 2 月 10 日更新 - 处理 TSX(感谢 @Josh)

Use the as operator for TSX.对 TSX 使用as运算符。

var obj = {
    property: null as string

A longer example:一个更长的例子:

var call = {
    hasStarted: null as boolean,
    hasFinished: null as boolean,
    id: null as number,

Original Answer原答案

Use the cast operator to make this succinct (by casting null to the desired type).使用强制转换运算符使其简洁(通过将 null 强制转换为所需类型)。

var obj = {
    property: <string> null

A longer example:一个更长的例子:

var call = {
    hasStarted: <boolean> null,
    hasFinished: <boolean> null,
    id: <number> null,

This is much better than having two parts (one to declare types, the second to declare defaults):这比有两个部分(一个声明类型,第二个声明默认值)要好得多:

var callVerbose: {
    hasStarted: boolean;
    hasFinished: boolean;
    id: number;
} = {
    hasStarted: null,
    hasFinished: null,
    id: null,

I'm surprised that no-one's mentioned this but you could just create an interface called ObjectLiteral , that accepts key: value pairs of type string: any :我很惊讶没有人提到这一点,但您可以创建一个名为ObjectLiteral的接口,该接口接受key: value类型string: any

interface ObjectLiteral {
  [key: string]: any;

Then you'd use it, like this:然后你会使用它,就像这样:

let data: ObjectLiteral = {
  hello: "world",
  goodbye: 1,
  // ...

An added bonus is that you can re-use this interface many times as you need, on as many objects you'd like.一个额外的好处是,您可以根据需要在任意数量的对象上多次重复使用此界面。

Good luck.祝你好运。

You could use predefined utility type Record<Keys, Type> :您可以使用预定义的实用程序类型Record<Keys, Type>

const obj: Record<string, string> = {
  property: "value",

It allows to specify keys for your object literal:它允许为您的对象文字指定键:

type Keys = "prop1" | "prop2"

const obj: Record<Keys, string> = {
  prop1: "Hello",
  prop2: "Aloha",
  something: "anything" // TS Error: Type '{ prop1: string; prop2: string; something: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Record<Keys, string>'.
                        //   Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'something' does not exist in type 'Record<Keys, string>'.

And a type for the property value:以及属性值的类型:

type Keys = "prop1" | "prop2"
type Value = "Hello" | "Aloha"

const obj1: Record<Keys, Value> = {
  prop1: "Hello",
  prop2: "Hey", // TS Error: Type '"Hey"' is not assignable to type 'Value'.

If you're trying to write a type annotation, the syntax is:如果您尝试编写类型注释,则语法为:

var x: { property: string; } = { property: 'hello' };

If you're trying to write an object literal, the syntax is:如果你想写一个对象字面量,语法是:

var x = { property: 'hello' };

Your code is trying to use a type name in a value position.您的代码试图在值位置使用类型名称。

If you're trying to add typings to a destructured object literal, for example in arguments to a function, the syntax is:如果您尝试将类型添加到解构的对象文字中,例如在函数的参数中,语法是:

function foo({ bar, baz }: { bar: boolean, baz: string }) {
  // ...

foo({ bar: true, baz: 'lorem ipsum' });

In TypeScript if we are declaring object then we'd use the following syntax:在 TypeScript 中,如果我们声明对象,那么我们将使用以下语法:

[access modifier] variable name : { /* structure of object */ }

For example:例如:

private Object:{ Key1: string, Key2: number }
// Use ..

const Per = {
  name: 'HAMZA',
  age: 20,
  coords: {
    tele: '09',
    lan: '190'
  setAge(age: Number): void {
    this.age = age;
  getAge(): Number {
    return age;
const { age, name }: { age: Number; name: String } = Per;
const {
  coords: { tele, lan }
}: { coords: { tele: String; lan: String } } = Per;


In your code:在您的代码中:

var obj = {
  myProp: string;

You are actually creating a object literal and assigning the variable string to the property myProp.您实际上是在创建一个对象文字并将变量字符串分配给属性 myProp。 Although very bad practice this would actually be valid TS code (don't use this!):尽管非常糟糕的做法,这实际上是有效的 TS 代码(不要使用它!):

var string = 'A string';

var obj = {
  property: string

However, what you want is that the object literal is typed.但是,您想要的是键入对象文字。 This can be achieved in various ways:这可以通过多种方式实现:


interface myObj {
    property: string;

var obj: myObj = { property: "My string" };

Type alias:类型别名:

type myObjType = {
    property: string

var obj: myObjType = { property: "My string" };

Object type literal:对象类型文字:

var obj: { property: string; } = { property: "Mystring" };

This is what I'm doing in 2021:这就是我在 2021 年要做的事情:

const sm = {
  currentCacheName: '' as string,
  badSWTimer: 0 as number,
  reg: {} as ServiceWorkerRegistration,
  quantum: null as number | null

This is not just a value cast, but works the same as an interface definition, for the object properties that is.这不仅仅是一个值转换,而且与接口定义的工作方式相同,对于对象属性来说。

  1. create a type using type keyword使用 type 关键字创建类型
type ObjType = {
  property: string;

and then you can use it to bind your object to accept this type only, like below.然后您可以使用它来绑定您的对象以仅接受此类型,如下所示。

const obj: ObjType = {
property: "TypeScript"

Convert Object Literal into Type With DRY使用 DRY 将对象文字转换为类型

Just do:做就是了:

const myObject = {
   hello: 'how are you',
   hey: 'i am fine thank you'
type myObjectType = keyof typeof MyObject

Job done!任务完成!

Beware.谨防。 It may seem obvious to some, but the type declaration:对某些人来说似乎很明显,但类型声明:

const foo: TypeName = {}

is not the same compared to casting with as :是不是比用铸造相同as

const foo = {} as TypeName

despite the suggestions to use it on other answers.尽管建议在其他答案上使用它。


Thanks, type-safety!:谢谢,类型安全!:

const foo: { [K in 'open' | 'closed']: string } = {}
// ERROR: TS2739: Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type '{ open: string; closed: string; }': open, closed

Goodbye, type-safety!:再见,类型安全!:

const foo = {} as { [K in 'open' | 'closed']: string }
// No error

Just to extend @RickLove's reply...只是为了扩展@RickLove 的回复......

This works great, as you only need to define the type that cannot be inferred:这很好用,因为您只需要定义无法推断的类型:

const initialState = { 
   user: undefined as User | undefined, 
   userLoading: false

and it transpiles to this js code:它转换为这个 js 代码:

const initialState = { 
   user: undefined, 
   userLoading: false

And if you need to extract it into a type, you can just do this:如果你需要将它提取到一个类型中,你可以这样做:

export type InitState = typeof initialState;

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