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[英]Python traceback module for beginners

I am new to python and am finding it difficult to understand the official document for the traceback module http://docs.python.org/release/3.1.5/library/traceback.html 我是python的新手,我发现很难理解回溯模块的官方文档http://docs.python.org/release/3.1.5/library/traceback.html

If someone could please guide me on how to extract the traceback paramenters ( offending line of code etc) , I would be very greatful. 如果有人可以指导我如何提取追溯参数(违规代码行等),我会非常感激。

I could also use some understanding on how traceback functions if there are two exceptions in the code , can we pass traceback for them both 如果代码中有两个异常,我也可以使用一些关于traceback函数的理解,我们可以为它们传递回溯

You can take a look at these tutorials that helped me out: 你可以看一下帮助我的这些教程:

Some general info about exception handling. 有关异常处理的一般信息。

Python Exception Handling Techniques Python异常处理技术

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