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是否可以调试Eclipse RCP产品(以及如何)?

[英]Is possible to debug Eclipse RCP Product (and how)?

Is possible to debug Eclipse RCP Product? 可以调试Eclipse RCP产品吗? If yes, how do I do that? 如果是的话,我该怎么做? I found arguments like 我找到了类似的论点

-vmargs -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

but no idea where put it and is it enough to debug? 但不知道放在哪里,是否足以调试? Is it should be in VM Arguments (file *.product tab Launching)? 它应该在VM Arguments(文件* .product标签启动)中吗?

Start the application as you described, by adding the -X parameters. 如上所述,通过添加-X参数启动应用程序。

Create a new Remote Java Applicaiton in eclipse like 在eclipse中创建一个新的远程Java应用程序 在此输入图像描述

the Port has to be the same, you used in 您使用的端口必须相同

-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address= -Xrunjdwp:运输= dt_socket,地址=

the project you select, has to contain the class you want to debug. 您选择的项目必须包含要调试的类。 You also can add all projects of your worksapce to be sure, that you can debug any of them. 您还可以添加工作的所有项目,以确保可以调试其中任何项目。

You can also check debugging-java-applets-in-eclipse 您还可以查看debugging-java-applets-in-eclipse

When you start any java programm with arguments like you stated, you can remote-attach any java debugger to it. 当你使用你所声明的参数启动任何 java程序时,你可以远程连接任何java调试器。

So "simply" create a debug profile in eclipse (IDE) to connect to your eclipse (RCP) product, you must specify the port then. 因此,“简单地”在eclipse(IDE)中创建调试配置文件以连接到您的eclipse(RCP)产品,然后必须指定端口。 (Debug Configurations is the place to look at) (调试配置是要查看的地方)

Otherwise, you might be able to start the product from eclipse IDE in debug mode. 否则,您可以在调试模式下从eclipse IDE启动产品。

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