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[英]Remove an asp.net control from code-behind

I need to remove a control (a textbox) from my page when a certain condition is verified. 我需要在验证某个条件时从我的页面中删除一个控件(文本框)。 Is it possible to do from code-behind or I need to use JavaScript. 是否有可能从代码隐藏或我需要使用JavaScript。

NOTE I need to remove the control, not to hide... 注意我需要删除控件,而不是隐藏...

Use Controls.Remove or Controls.RemoveAt on the parent ControlCollection . 在父ControlCollection上使用Controls.RemoveControls.RemoveAt

For example, if you want to remove all TextBoxes from the page's top: 例如,如果要从页面顶部删除所有TextBox:

var allTextBoxes = Page.Controls.OfType<TextBox>().ToList();
foreach(TextBox txt in allTextBoxes)

(note that you need to add using System.Linq for Enumerable.OfType ) (请注意,您需要using System.LinqEnumerable.OfType添加)

or if you want to remove a TextBox with a given ID: 或者如果要删除具有给定ID的TextBox:

TextBox textBox1 = (TextBox)Page.FindControl("TextBox1"); // note that this doesn't work when you use MasterPages
if(textBox1 != null)

If you just want to hide it (and remove it from clientside completely), you can also make it invisible: 如果你只想隐藏它(并从客户端完全删除它),你也可以使它不可见:

textBox1.Visible = false;

While you could remove it from the controls collection, why not hide it instead? 虽然您可以从控件集合中删除它,但为什么不隐藏它呢?

yourTextBox.Visible = false;

This will prevent it from being included in the generated html sent to the browser. 这将阻止它被包含在发送到浏览器的生成的html中。

When you set .Visible=false , it will never be rendered in the page. 设置.Visible=false ,它将永远不会在页面中呈现。 If you remove the control from Controls collection, don't do it during DataBind , Init , Load , PreRender or Unload phases as it will throw exception. 如果从Controls集合中删除控件,请不要在DataBindInitLoadPreRenderUnload阶段执行此操作,因为它会引发异常。

Adding or removing control dynamically may result in problems. 动态添加或删除控件可能会导致问题。



You can try with this code - based on Remove method 您可以尝试使用此代码 - 基于Remove method


Link : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/system.web.ui.controlcollection.remove(v=vs.80).aspx 链接: http//msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/system.web.ui.controlcollection.remove(v=vs.80).aspx

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