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Excel VBA:如何选择所有图表并将其大小更改为不同但统一的大小?

[英]Excel VBA: How can I select all of my Charts and change their sizes to a different, yet uniform size?

The problem: I've got a large file containing about 250 charts, I've been formatting the charts with code looking like this= 问题:我有一个大文件,其中包含约250张图表,我一直在使用如下代码格式化图表:

         With chrt
            .SetSourceData Source:=rChartData.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, 3)

            .SetElement msoElementChartTitleCenteredOverlay
            .ChartTitle.Caption = cl.Value

            .PlotArea.Height = .PlotArea.Height - .ChartTitle.Height
            .PlotArea.Top = .PlotArea.Top + .ChartTitle.Height

            .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=""Measured"""
            .SeriesCollection(2).Name = "=""Modeled"""

            .SeriesCollection(1).MarkerStyle = -4142
            .SeriesCollection(2).MarkerStyle = -4142

            .Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale = 14650
            .Axes(xlCategory).MaximumScale = 40000
            .Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit = 1800
            .Axes(xlCategory).MinorUnitIsAuto = True

            .SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis)
                .Axes(xlCategory).AxisTitle.Text = "Stress Periods"
            .SetElement (msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleRotated)
                .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = "Cubic Feet/Sec"

       End With

Then it goes on its merry loop to finish the other 249 charts. 然后它继续前进,完成其他249张图表。 But I also need all of them to be larger than the default size Excel gives me. 但是我还需要所有这些都大于Excel给我的默认大小。 What is the correct code terminology to extend my chart to a larger size such as this from A to B? 什么是将我的图表扩展到更大的尺寸(例如,从A到B)的正确代码术语?



          .ChartArea.Width = [desired width, IN POINTS, of the object]

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