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转换地图 <String,String> 进入json

[英]Converting Map<String,String> into json

I have Map<String,String> in java like this : 我在java中有Map<String,String> ,如下所示:

{card_switch=Master, issuing_bank=ICCI, card_Type=DebitCard}

I'm using the simple json parser to parse this map into json object. 我正在使用简单的json解析器将此映射解析为json对象。

I tried : 我试过了 :

Object json = JSONValue.parse(entry.getKey());

But I get an error message : 但是我收到一条错误消息:

Object json = JSONValue.parse(entry.getKey());
method JSONValue.parse(String) is not applicable
  (actual argument Map<String,String> cannot be converted to String by method invocation conversion)
method JSONValue.parse(Reader) is not applicable
  (actual argument Map<String,String> cannot be converted to Reader by method invocation conversion)

Is that possible to convert Map<String,String> into json? 可以将Map<String,String>转换为json吗?

You can also try something like this with Gson Library: 您也可以使用Gson Library尝试这样的事情:

package com.stackoverflow.works;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;

 * @Author: sarath_sivan

public class MapToJsonConverter {

     * @Description: Method to convert Map to JSON String
     * @param: map Map<String, String> 
     * @return: json String
    public static String convert(Map<String, String> map) {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String json = gson.toJson(map);
        return json;

     * @Description: Method to convert JSON String to Map
     * @param: json String 
     * @return: map Map<String, String> 
    public static Map<String, String> revert(String json) {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>(){}.getType();
        Map<String, String> map = gson.fromJson(json, type);
        return map;

     * @Description: Method to print elements in the Map
     * @param: map Map<String, String> 
     * @return: void 
    public static void printMap(Map<String, String> map) {
        for (String key : map.keySet()) {
            System.out.println("map.get(\"" + key + "\") = " + map.get(key));

     * @Description: Method to print the JSON String
     * @param: json String 
     * @return: void 
    public static void printJson(String json) {
        System.out.println("json = " + json);

     * @Description: Main method to test the JSON-MAP convert/revert logic
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, String> paymentCards = new HashMap<String, String>();
        paymentCards.put("card_switch", "Master");
        paymentCards.put("issuing_bank", "ICCI");
        paymentCards.put("card_Type", "DebitCard");

        String json = convert(paymentCards); //converting Map to JSON String
        System.out.println("Map to JSON String");


        paymentCards = revert(json); //converting JSON String to Map
        System.out.println("JSON String to Map");


The output look like this: 输出看起来像这样:


Have a look at example 1.4 on this page http://code.google.com/p/json-simple/wiki/EncodingExamples#Example_1-4_-_Encode_a_JSON_object_-_Using_Map_and_streaming : 请查看此页面上的示例1.4 http://code.google.com/p/json-simple/wiki/EncodingExamples#Example_1-4_-_Encode_a_JSON_object_-_Using_Map_and_streaming

 Map obj=new LinkedHashMap();
   obj.put("num",new Integer(100));
   obj.put("balance",new Double(1000.21));
   obj.put("is_vip",new Boolean(true));
   StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
   JSONValue.writeJSONString(obj, out);
   String jsonText = out.toString();

Try this. 试试这个。 But do you need the gson library: 但是你需要gson库吗:

Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
String value = new Gson().toJson(map);

It should be possible, but i think you hold it the wrong way around: parse will PARSE json-text content, and provide you with an Java-equivalent ("decoding") 它应该是可能的,但我认为你持有它错误的方法:解析PARSE json-text内容,并为你提供Java等价物(“解码”)

look at the sample on the homepage: http://code.google.com/p/json-simple/wiki/EncodingExamples#Example_1-3_-_Encode_a_JSON_object_-_Using_Map 请查看主页上的示例: http//code.google.com/p/json-simple/wiki/EncodingExamples#Example_1-3_-_Encode_a_JSON_object_-_Using_Map

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