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[英]Haskell error using foldr

I am new to haskell and trying out some exercises 我是Haskell的新手,并尝试了一些练习

I dont understand whats the error generated and why it is generated 我不明白错误产生的原因以及产生原因

split = foldr 
        (\x y -> y:x)

the error on the interpretator is as below 解释器上的错误如下

    Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a0 = [a0]
    In the first argument of `(:)', namely `y'
    In the expression: y : x
    In the first argument of `foldr', namely `(\ x y -> y : x)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.

anyone can help? 有人可以帮忙吗? Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Type of foldr is 文件夹类型为

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

so in split 所以在分裂

split = foldr (\x y -> y:x) [[]]

y and y:x has to be of same type, which is not possible for any x and y as y:x will always be one step deeper in the list than y . yy:x必须具有相同的类型,这对于任何xy都是不可能的,因为y:x在列表中始终比y更深一步。

I think you wanted to do x:y ? 我想你想做x:y吗?

Recall the type of foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b . 回忆文件foldr的类型: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b foldr (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b This says that foldr expects a function that combines an element of the list with a value of the final result type, producing a new value of the result type. 这表示foldr需要一个函数,该函数将列表的元素与最终结果类型的值组合在一起,从而产生结果类型的新值。

For the first argument, you've given foldr the function \\xy -> y:x , where x will be the list elements and y the result of the next step to the right; 对于第一个参数,您给了foldr函数\\xy -> y:x ,其中x是列表元素, y是下一步的结果; and the result of applying this lambda should have the same type as y . 并且应用此lambda的结果应与y具有相同的类型。

But the type of (:) is a -> [a] -> [a] --that is, it appends a single element to the head of a list. 但是(:)的类型是a -> [a] -> [a] -也就是说,它将单个元素附加到列表的开头。 In the expression y:x , you're taking something of the "result" type and using it as an element of a list used as the result. 在表达式y:x ,您将采用某种“结果”类型,并将其用作用作结果的列表的元素。

Because of that, GHC attempts to infer that the result type b is the same as the type [b] , which is then of course the same as the type [[b]] , and [[[b]]] ... and so on. 因此,GHC尝试推断结果类型b与类型[b]相同,然后当然与类型[[b]][[[b]]] ...等等。 Thus it complains about an "infinite type". 因此,它抱怨“无限类型”。

The posts before me answer your question, but after your comment i can see that you want a function that splits your list by a predicate. 在我之前的帖子回答了您的问题,但是在您发表评论之后,我可以看到您想要一个按谓词将列表分开的函数。

You can use groupWith::Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] from the module GHC.Exts and supply it with a function of type (a -> Bool) in your example: 您可以使用模块GHC.Exts中的groupWith :: Ord b =>(a-> b)-> [a]-> [[a]],并在您的模块中为其提供类型为(a-> Bool)的函数例:

groupWith even [1,2,3,4,5,6] yields [[1,3,5],[2,4,6]]

Also, something ugly but that achieves the type of "outing" you want is: 另外,有些丑陋但可以实现所需的“外出”类型的东西是:

split::Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
split f ls = (ls \\ rl):rl:[]
    where rl = filter f ls

But this will always split the supplied list in just two lists because of the binary function you supply. 但是,由于您提供的二进制函数,总是会将提供的列表分成两个列表。

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