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[英]Non-integer indexed Indexer properties in C#

I want to have an indexed property in C#: 我想在C#中有一个索引属性:

public Boolean IsSelected[Guid personGuid]
   get {
      Person person = GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
      return person.IsSelected;
   set {
      Person person = GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
      person.IsSelected = value;
public Boolean IsApproved[Guid personGuid]
   get {
      Person person = GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
      return person.IsApproved;
   set {
      Person person = GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
      person.IsApproved= value;

Visual Studio complains on the non-integer indexer syntax: Visual Studio抱怨非整数索引器语法:

i know .NET supports non-Integer indexors . 我知道.NET支持非整数索引器

In another language i would write: 在另一种语言中,我会写:

   function GetIsSelected(ApproverGUID: TGUID): Boolean;
   procedure SetIsSelected(ApproverGUID: TGUID; Value: Boolean);
   function GetIsApproved(ApproverGUID: TGUID): Boolean;
   procedure SetIsApproved(ApproverGUID: TGUID; Value: Boolean);
   property IsSelected[ApproverGuid: TGUID]:Boolean read GetIsSelected write SetIsSelected;
   property IsApproved[ApproverGuid: TGUID]:Boolean read GetIsApproved write SetIsApproved;

Your syntax is incorrect: 你的语法不正确:

public Boolean this[Guid personGuid]
   get {
      Person person = GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
      return person.IsSelected;
   set {
      Person person = GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
      person.IsSelected = value;

Indexers are declared using the this keyword - you can't use your own name. 使用this关键字声明索引器 - 您不能使用自己的名称。

From Using Indexers (C# Programming Guide) : 使用索引器(C#编程指南)

To declare an indexer on a class or struct, use the this keyword 要在类或结构上声明索引器,请使用this关键字

Additionally, it is only possible to have one indexer that accepts a type - this is a limitation of the indexer syntax of C# (might be an IL limitation, not sure). 另外,只有一个索引器可以接受一个类型 - 这是C#索引器语法的限制(可能是IL限制,不确定)。

Indexers only work with the this keyword. 索引器仅适用于this关键字。 See here . 看到这里

The this keyword is used to define the indexers. this关键字用于定义索引器。

Just like Matt Burland and Oded said, indexers only work with this keyword, so you need to have a proxy class with the interface you need: 就像Matt Burland和Oded所说,索引器只能使用这个关键字,所以你需要一个带有你需要的接口的代理类:

public class PersonSelector
    private MyClass owner;

    public PersonSelector(MyClass owner)
        this.owner = owner;

    public bool this[Guid personGuid]
       get {
          Person person = owner.GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
          return person.IsSelected;
       set {
          Person person = owner.GetPersonByGuid(personGuid);
          person.IsSelected = value;


public class MyClass
    public MyClass()
        this.IsSelected = new PersonSelector(this);

    public PersonSelector IsSelected { get; private set; }


@Jojan answered here : @Jojan 在这里回答:

C# 3.0 spec C#3.0规范

"Overloading of indexers permits a class, struct, or interface to declare multiple indexers, provided their signatures are unique within that class, struct, or interface." “重载索引器允许类,结构或接口声明多个索引器,前提是它们的签名在该类,结构或接口中是唯一的 。”

or if your data set is small you can IList 或者如果您的数据集很小,您可以IList

public IList<Boolean> IsSelected
   get { ... }

public IList<Boolean> IsApproved
   get { .... }

or use Multiple Indexers technique using Interfaces 或使用Interfaces使用Multiple Indexers技术

Actually you can have multiple indexers accepting types. 实际上,您可以让多个索引器接受类型。

However you can not have two indexers with the same signature. 但是,您不能拥有两个具有相同签名的索引器。 Same signature means the parameter number and types - so the above code has two indexers with same signature. 相同的签名意味着参数编号和类型 - 因此上面的代码有两个具有相同签名的索引器。

If the code changed to : 如果代码更改为:

    Boolean this[string x, Guid personguid]

and : 并且:

    Boolean this[Guid personguid]

it should work. 它应该工作。

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