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Drupal 7“新建节点创建”是否启动/准备用于不同内容类型的字段?

[英]Drupal 7 Does “New Node Creation” initiate/prepare the Fields for different Content Types?

In Drupal 7, i need to Programmatically create the Nodes. 在Drupal 7中,我需要以Programmatically创建节点。 As usual, there are Different Fields set for Different Content Types . 与往常一样,为Different Content Types设置了Different Content Types Different Fields

For very simple example: 对于非常简单的示例:

Content Type: "car"
Fields: "Model", "Engine", "GearType"

Content Type: "article"
Fields: "Title", "Author", "Media"

What i want to be confirmed here is, while i am creating a new node, for eg by using: 我想在这里确认的是, while我创建一个新节点时,例如通过使用:

$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = "car";

Then.. 然后..

  • Is that (currently creating) new $node has been initiated/loaded with its related/corresponded fields, already before get saved? 是(当前正在创建)新的$node已在保存之前启动/加载了相关/对应的字段吗?
  • To be more clear, if i just suddenly Save a node node_save($node) (without filling any other related fields) will that node be still having (following) its proper Content Type structure? 更明确地说,如果我只是突然保存一个节点node_save($node) (不填充任何其他相关字段),那么该node是否仍将(遵循)其正确的Content Type结构?

I think this is what your looking for: 我认为这是您要寻找的:

$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = 'article';

There is a nice blog post about this here: http://www.group42.ca/creating_and_updating_nodes_programmatically_in_drupal_7 这里有一篇很好的博客文章: http : //www.group42.ca/creating_and_updating_nodes_programmatically_in_drupal_7

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