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为什么jQuery dataTables不能解析我的JSON?

[英]Why can't jQuery dataTables parse my JSON?

I am trying to populate a dataTable as follows: 我正在尝试填充dataTable ,如下所示:

$("#my-datatable").dataTable( {
    "sAjaxSource" : "/someURLOnMyServer",
    "bDestroy" : true,
    "fnServerParams" : function(serverParams) {
                "name" : "widget",
                "value" : token

And the HTML table it is populating: 它填充的HTML表格:

<table id="my-datatable">

According to Firebug, the JSON coming back from the server is: 根据Firebug,从服务器返回的JSON是:


But Firebug is throwing the following JavaScript error in its console: 但Firebug在其控制台中抛出以下JavaScript错误:

TypeError: aData is undefined
[Break On This Error]   

for ( i=0 ; i<aData.length ; i++ ) --> jquery.dataTables.js (line 2541)

Can anyone spot what's going wrong? 谁能发现出了什么问题? Either I'm not setting up my dataTable object correctly, or the JSON coming back doesn't match the "schema" of the HTML table it is trying to populate. 要么我没有正确设置我的dataTable对象,要么返回的JSON与它试图填充的HTML表的“模式”不匹配。 Either way, I'm lost. 无论哪种方式,我都输了。 Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Datatables requires a certain format for results. 数据表需要特定的结果格式。 If you are not using that format, you have to declare everything. 如果您不使用该格式,则必须声明所有内容。

$('#my-datatable').dataTable( {

    "sAjaxSource": "/url/here",

    "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
            aoData.push( { "name": "widget", "value": "token" } );

            request = $.ajax({
              "dataType": 'json', 
              "type": "GET", 
              "url": sSource, 
              "data": aoData, 
              "success": fnCallback

      "aoColumns": [
            { "mDataProp": "id"},
            { "mDataProp": "fizz"},
            { "mDataProp": "name"},
            { "mDataProp": "tag"},
            { "mDataProp": "tag"},
            { "mDataProp": "attributeValue.name"},
            { "mDataProp": "attributeValue.tag"},


This is the format: http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/server_side/post.html 这是格式: http//datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/server_side/post.html

Try to enclose your JSON object with aaData like: 尝试用aaData封装你的JSON对象,如:

{"aaData" : 



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