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使用AJAX对Wordpress Admin控制面板上的地址进行地址编码

[英]Geocoding Addresses on the Wordpress Admin Control Panel with AJAX

I am creating a website for a magazine which has a page devoted to events (such as County Shows etc.) This page has an interactive map at the top (built with google maps), and then a section with the different events and their details in a 3col grid. 我正在为杂志创建一个网站,该网站的页面专门讨论事件(例如县节目等)。该页面的顶部有一个交互式地图(使用Google地图构建),然后是一个包含不同事件及其详细信息的部分在3col网格中。

My boss wanted to have it so that when the website owners (we'll refer to them as the editor) are adding the event, it is possible for them to add the address of the event. 我的老板想拥有它,以便在网站所有者(我们将其称为编辑器)添加事件时,他们可以添加事件的地址。 When the editor saves the event, it then geocodes the address, and saves the lat&lng into their own hidden input fields. 当编辑器保存事件时,它将对地址进行地理编码,然后将经纬度保存到其自己的隐藏输入字段中。

There is then a loop on the Events page within the Google Maps syntax to create markers for each event using their LatLng. 然后,Google Maps语法中的“事件”页面上会出现一个循环,以使用其LatLng为每个事件创建标记。

I have the page created with the map but I do not know how to go about geocoding the address in the back end. 我已经用地图创建了页面,但是我不知道如何对后端的地址进行地理编码。

I do not mind whether or not the geocoding is done automatically when saving the post, or if it is manually converted through clicking a button. 我不介意在保存帖子时是否自动进行地理编码,或者是否通过单击按钮手动将其转换。 I just need a way to save the LatLng so I can call it from the loop. 我只需要一种保存LatLng的方法,以便可以从循环中调用它。

So how can I do this? 那我该怎么做呢? I understand I'm going to need some jQuery for the AJAX request, but which file should this go in? 我了解我将需要一些jQuery来处理AJAX请求,但是应该将其放入哪个文件? (the geocode.php (geocode.php

Code time! 编码时间!

Geocode.php: Geocode.php:

$result = json_decode(file_get_contents($geoCodeURL), true); 

echo $result['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
echo ',';
echo $result['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];

Yeah... That's all I got. 是的,那就是我所拥有的。

Snippet of Functions.php Functions.php代码段

        <form class="geocode" action="<?php bloginfo('template_url');?>/geocode.php" method="post">
        <input type="text" name="addr" />
        <input type="submit" value="" />
        <input type="text" value="" name="eventLatLng" class="latlng" />

PS I'm very sorry if this is unclear, I've never worked with AJAX and I'm a bit confused as to how to explain it, so sorry if I wasn't much help. PS:如果对此不清楚,我感到非常抱歉,我从未与AJAX一起工作过,我对如何解释它感到有些困惑,如果没有太多帮助,我们感到抱歉。

Here is the code for enter the address by google map and get their lat & long. 这是通过谷歌地图输入地址并获取经纬度的代码。

 <!--code for google address api-->
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <input name="add" type="text" id="address" class="required" style="width: 500px;" onblur="cordinate()">
            <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&libraries=places&language=en-AU"></script>
                var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete($("#address")[0], {});

                google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
                var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
            <!--code for google address api-->

            <!--code for google address cordinates By Harshal-->


            function cordinate()
                geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); // creating a new geocode object

                address1 = document.getElementById("address").value;

                    if (geocoder)
                geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address1}, function(results, status)
                if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK)
                //location of first address (latitude + longitude)
                var location1 = results[0].geometry.location;
                document.getElementById("cor").value = location1;

                } else
                alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);

                }//end of If

            <!--code for google address cordinates-->
            <input type="hidden" name="cor" id="cor">//in this input field you will get the cordinates.

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