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[英]Elements no longer inherit data-theme from parent

According to the jQuery Mobile Docs any form element inside a container will adopt the data-theme of that container 根据jQuery Mobile Docs,容器内的任何表单元素都将采用该容器的data-theme

Query Mobile has a rich theming system that gives you full control of how pages and forms are styled. Query Mobile具有丰富的主题系统,可让您完全控制页面和表单的样式。 By default all form elements inside a container will automatically adopt the same theme color swatch as their parent. 默认情况下,容器内的所有表单元素将自动采用与其父元素相同的主题色样。 This allows form elements to blend into their layouts with minimal work. 这样就可以以最少的工作将表单元素融合到其布局中。 The data-theme attribute can be applied to any individual form element to apply any of the lettered theme color swatches to create contrast and emphasis in your designs. 可以将data-theme属性应用于任何单个表单元素,以应用任何带字母的主题色样,以在设计中创建对比度和重点。

However it seems that with the most recent release of jQuery Mobile (1.2) this is no longer true, I've noticed that form elements now inherit from the data-theme of the page instead of their more immediate parent. 但是,似乎在jQuery Mobile(1.2)的最新版本中这不再成立,我注意到表单元素现在从pagedata-theme继承,而不是从其更直接的父元素继承。

For example given the following markup 例如给出以下标记

<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="header"><h3>Header</h3></div>
<div data-role="content" data-theme="a">
      <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c">
            <input type="button" value="test" />
            <select >
                <option value="1">Option 1</option>
                <option value="2">Option 2</option>
           <div data-role="fieldcontain"  data-theme="c" >
         <fieldset data-role="controlgroup"  data-theme="c"  data-type="horizontal" >
            <legend>Group Size</legend>

            <input type="radio" name="testRdoGrp" id="testRdoGrp1" checked="checked" value="1" />
            <label for="testRdoGrp1">1</label>       
            <input type="radio" name="testRdoGrp" id="testRdoGrp2" value="2" />
            <label for="testRdoGrp2">2</label>

<div data-role="footer"><h3>Footer</h3></div>

Jsbins: Jsbins:

With JQM 1.1 使用JQM 1.1

With JQM 1.2 使用JQM 1.2

Using JQM 1.1 the input, select and radio group will use the c theme swatch (inherited from the listview ), but when using JQM 1.2 the input, select and radio group will instead use the a swatch. 使用JQM 1.1,input,select和radio组将使用c主题色板(从listview继承),但是使用JQM 1.2时,input,select和radio组将使用a色板。

This seems to be the case even with container's that have the `data-role="fieldcontain" (such as the radio group in the example I provided). 即使对于具有`data-role =“ fieldcontain”的容器(例如,在我提供的示例中的无线电组),情况似乎也是如此。

Setting the data-theme directly on the element still works but besides that I think the previous behavior makes for cleaner markup in my case I have quite a bit of markup and I would rather not have to go through each element and individually add the data-theme . data-theme直接设置在元素上仍然可行,但除此之外,我认为以前的行为可以使标记更整洁,我有很多标记,我宁愿不必遍历每个元素并单独添加data-theme

Does any one know of some way to revert to the 1.1 behavior? 有谁知道某种还原到1.1行为的方式吗?

I still haven't found this change in behavior documented anywhere, but I've found a partial workaround for this issue. 我仍然没有在任何地方记录这种行为上的变化,但是我发现了针对此问题的部分解决方法。 Adding the swatch using the ui-body- (plus the letter for the swatch ) class causes the elements to inherit the data-theme from the parent. 使用ui-body- (加上swatch的字母)类添加样例ui-body-使元素从父级继承数据主题。

For example 例如

<ul data-role="listview" class="ui-body-c" data-inset="true" data-theme="c">
        <input type="button" value="test" />

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