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[英]Saving a newly-created object

In a Rails controller code 在Rails控制器代码中

def create
  @post = Post.new(params[:post])
  @post.random_hash = generate_random_hash(params[:post][:title])
  if @post.save
    format.html { redirect_to @post }
    format.html { render action: "new" }

Should the first two lines of the definition be put inside if @post.save or not? if @post.save与否,定义的前两行是否应该放在里面? If the post is not saved, will the Post object created by Post.new still be put in the database? 如果帖子未保存, Post.new创建的Post对象Post.new仍会被放入数据库?

  1. Should the first two lines of the definition be put inside if @post.save or not? 如果@post.save与否,定义的前两行是否应该放在里面?

    Most certainly not. 当然不是。 If you change it to the following as you suggest: 如果您按照建议将其更改为以下内容:

     def create if @post.save @post = Post.new(params[:post]) @post.random_hash = generate_random_hash(params[:post][:title]) format.html { redirect_to @post } else format.html { render action: "new" } end end 

    Then it won't work at all. 然后它根本不起作用。 There is no @post to call save on. 没有@post来调用save

  2. If the post is not saved, will the Post object created by Post.new still be put in the database? 如果帖子未保存, Post.new创建的Post对象Post.new仍会被放入数据库?

    Of course not. 当然不是。 That's what saving does: saves the object in the database. 这就是保存的作用:将对象保存在数据库中。 If you don't call save on the Post object, or the save returns false (which would happen because a validation failed), the object was not stored in the database. 如果不在Post对象上调用save ,或者save返回false (由于验证失败而发生),则该对象存储在数据库中。 Post.new simply creates a new Post object in-memory—it doesn't touch the database at all. Post.new只是在内存中创建一个新的Post对象 - 它根本不会触及数据库。

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