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[英]Ruby: How to remove trailing backslashes from a string?

I have a string like 我有一个字符串


which I will be storing in postgres db. 我将存储在postgres db中。 I want to remove the backslash from the string before saving. 我想在保存之前从字符串中删除反斜杠。 Is there a way I can do that in ruby or in postgres? 有没有办法可以用ruby或postgres做到这一点? When I try to remove it in ruby, it considers the quote after the backslash as an escape character. 当我尝试在ruby中删除它时,它将反斜杠后的引号视为转义字符。

See following code: 请参阅以下代码:

1.9.3p125 :022 > s = "cat\\"
 => "cat\\" 
1.9.3p125 :023 > puts s
 => nil 
1.9.3p125 :024 > s.chomp("\\")
 => "cat" 
1.9.3p125 :025 > 

To remove a trailing backslash: 要删除尾部反斜杠:

"car\\".gsub!(/\\$/, "")

Note that the backslash has to be escaped itself with a backslash. 请注意,反斜杠必须使用反斜杠进行自动转义。

People don't do this much, but Ruby's String class supports: 人们不会这么做,但Ruby的String类支持:

irb(main):002:0> str = 'car\\'
=> "car\\"
irb(main):003:0> str[/\\$/] = ''
=> ""
irb(main):004:0> str
=> "car"

It's a conditional search for a trailing '\\', and replacement with an empty string. 这是条件搜索尾随'\\',并用空字符串替换。

puts '"car\"'.gsub(/\\(")?$/, '\1')


See what says the 看看说的是什么


operation, and then try to operate on that. 操作,然后尝试操作。

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