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[英]Quotations and pattern matching in F#

In a new console application, just pasting the following code leads to the exception "The parameter is not a recognized method name". 在新的控制台应用程序中,仅粘贴以下代码将导致异常“参数不是可识别的方法名称”。

  • Does the following code work on your installation? 以下代码在您的安装上是否有效?
  • Joker: Do you know any reason why it would not work on mine? 小丑:您知道它为何无法在我的产品上使用的原因吗?

// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.net
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
let somefunction1 arg  = ()
let somefunction2 ()   = ()

open Quotations.DerivedPatterns

let test() =
   let d =  <@ somefunction1() @>
   let e =  <@ somefunction2() @>

   match d with
   | SpecificCall <@ somefunction1() @> (a,b ,c) -> printfn "somefunction"
   | _                                           -> printfn "something else"
   match d with
   | SpecificCall <@ somefunction1   @> (a,b ,c) -> printfn "somefunction"
   | _                                           -> printfn "something else"

   match e with
   | SpecificCall <@ somefunction2() @> (a,b ,c) -> printfn "somefunction"
   | _                                           -> printfn "something else"

   //THIS FAILS HERE saying "The parameter is not a recognized method name"
   match e with
   | SpecificCall <@ somefunction2   @> (a,b ,c) -> printfn "somefunction"
   | _                                           -> printfn "something else"

let main argv = 
    printfn "%A" argv
    0 // return an integer exit code

Looking at the definition of active pattern SpecificCall defined in the compiler I find: 查看在编译器中定义的活动模式SpecificCall的定义,我发现:

    let (|SpecificCall|_|) templateParameter = 
        // Note: precomputation
        match templateParameter with
        | (Lambdas(_,Call(_,minfo1,_)) | Call(_,minfo1,_)) ->
            let isg1 = minfo1.IsGenericMethod 
            let gmd = if isg1 then minfo1.GetGenericMethodDefinition() else null

            // end-of-precomputation

            (fun tm -> 
               match tm with
               | Call(obj,minfo2,args) 
                  when (minfo1.MethodHandle = minfo2.MethodHandle &&
                  when (minfo1.MetadataToken = minfo2.MetadataToken &&
                        if isg1 then 
                          minfo2.IsGenericMethod && gmd = minfo2.GetGenericMethodDefinition()
                          minfo1 = minfo2) -> 
                   Some(obj,(minfo2.GetGenericArguments() |> Array.toList),args)
               | _ -> None)
        | _ -> 
            invalidArg "templateParameter" (SR.GetString(SR.QunrecognizedMethodCall))

Offhand, that looks okay to me... Is it possible that you've shadowed the original definition of var somehow? 副手,对我来说还好...是否可能以某种方式掩盖了var的原始定义? For instance, the following self-contained example works fine for me: 例如,以下独立的示例对我来说很好用:

let var<'a>() = Unchecked.defaultof<'a>

match <@ var<int>() @> with
| Quotations.DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ var @> (obj,_,[]) ->
    printfn "var"
| _ -> printfn "something else"

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