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如何使用 rspec 测试控制器中的所有路由

[英]how to test all routes in controller with rspec

I'm trying to restrict a few controllers in my app to require a login before any action.我试图限制我的应用程序中的一些控制器在任何操作之前都需要登录。 I know how to implement it, but not how to write nice tests in rspec for it.我知道如何实现它,但不知道如何在 rspec 中为它编写好的测试。

For example, if I want to restrict every action of my users controller to require login, I could have a test like:例如,如果我想限制我的用户控制器的每个操作都需要登录,我可以进行如下测试:

describe "authorization" do描述“授权”做

describe "for non-signed-in users" do
  let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }

  describe "in the Users controller" do

    describe "visiting the index page" do
      before { visit users_path }
      it { should have_selector('title', text: 'Log In') }

    describe "visiting the edit page" do
      before { visit edit_user_path(user) }
      it { should have_selector('title', text: 'Log In') }

    describe "submitting to the update action" do
      before { put user_path(user) }
      specify { response.should redirect_to(login_path) }

     describe "submitting a DELETE request to the Users#destroy action" do
      before { delete user_path(user) }
      specify { response.should redirect_to(root_path) }        



Do I need to specify all 7 of my restful routes for every controller I want to test?我是否需要为我要测试的每个控制器指定所有 7 个静态路由? Seems pretty inefficient.看起来效率很低。 Is there some way to say "before visit any users routes response should redirect to login_path"?有没有办法说“在访问任何用户路由响应之前应该重定向到 login_path”?

I had a similar concern while trying to list and then test all my application routes for 500 errors, and I didn't want to manually add each route (I have 150~ or so) one by one.我在尝试列出然后测试我所有应用程序路由的 500 个错误时也有类似的担忧,而且我不想手动逐个添加每个路由(我有 150 个左右)。

I mirrored the code inside the command rake routes , and used ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper as well as Rails.application.routes.routes to list them.我在命令rake routes镜像了代码,并使用ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper以及Rails.application.routes.routes列出它们。

The wrapper provides an easy way to check what is the controller, verb, and action of a route.包装器提供了一种简单的方法来检查路由的控制器、动词和动作是什么。 From there you just have to filter the routes you want to check and iterate over them while running your test on each one.从那里,您只需要过滤要检查的路由,并在对每个路由进行测试时对其进行迭代。

context 'all routes' do
    let(:all_app_routes) do
      Rails.application.routes.routes.collect do |route|
        ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper.new route 
    context 'in the Users controller' do
      let(:users_controller_routes) do
        all_app_routes.select { |route| route.controller == 'users' }

      it 'all routes should redirect to login' do
        users_controller_routes.each do |route|
            # reconstruct the path with the route name
            # I did not test the line below, I personnaly kept using get('/' << route.name) as my case was to test the index pages only.
            # but you get the idea: call your http route below (http.rb, net/http, ...)
            send(route.verb, '/' << route.name)
            # will produce something like : get('/users/')

            # test it does indeed redirect
            expect(response.status).to eq(302)
            expect(response.body).to include?('my_redirect_location')

            # you could also continue further testing
            expect(response.body).to include('<div id="login">')
          rescue Exception
            # or fail test depending on what you want to check
            # I had the case of abstract method in controllers that raised exception

I personnaly used this code only to test index methods ( select {|route| route.action =='index' }... ), as bulk testing create/destroy/new/edit proved to be too difficult (differents required params every time)我个人仅使用此代码来测试索引方法( select {|route| route.action =='index' }... ),因为批量测试 create/destroy/new/edit 被证明太困难了(不同需要的参数每个时间)

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