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[英]QT Widget Pointer

I'm fairly new to QT and am struggling getting a basic painting example to work. 我对QT相当陌生,正在努力使一个基本的绘画示例能够正常工作。 I am creating a game where I instantiate a widget in my main game controller. 我正在创建一个游戏,该游戏在我的主游戏控制器中实例化一个小部件。 I want to pass this to multiple different objects so that each object can have its own paintEvent and paint its objects accordingly. 我想将此传递给多个不同的对象,以便每个对象可以拥有自己的paintEvent并相应地绘制其对象。 (IE, the character would paint seperately, the scenery etc etc) (例如,角色会单独绘画,风景等)

Here's my 'animated object' header: 这是我的“动画对象”标题:

class Animated_object: public QWidget {

        Animated_object(char * _image_url, QWidget * window);

        QImage * get_image();//this will return the image for this object
        QRect * get_rectangle();//this will return the rectangle of coordinates for this point

        virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) = 0;
        virtual void set_image(char * _image_url) = 0;

        QWidget * window;
        char * image_url;//this is the imageurl
        QImage * image;
        QRect * rectangle;


My animated object constructer: 我的动画对象构造器:

Animated_object::Animated_object(char * _image_url, QWidget * _window) : QWidget(_window) {....}

and here is my character header (character inherits from animated_object) 这是我的角色标头(字符继承自animated_object)

class Character : public Animated_object {

        Character(QWidget * _window);   
        void operator()();//this is the operator for the character class -- this is responsible for running the character
        void set_image(char * _image_url) {};
        void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event);


I instantiate a character by passing the constructor my main widget pointer. 我通过向构造函数传递主窗口小部件指针来实例化字符。 So I have another class that can call multiple characters and they would all paint to the same widget (hopefully). 因此,我还有另一个可以调用多个字符的类,它们将全部绘制到同一个小部件上(希望如此)。

My character paintEvent looks like this: 我的角色paintEvent看起来像这样:

void Character::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) {

    QPainter painter(this);//pass it in window to ensure that it is painting on the correct widget!

    cout << "PAINT EVENT " << endl;
    QFont font("Courier", 15, QFont::DemiBold);
    QFontMetrics fm(font);
    int textWidth = fm.width("Game Over");


    painter.translate(QPoint(50, 50));
    painter.drawText(10, 10, "Game Over");


It is being called, (I used the std::cout to test that) but is not painting anything... 它被调用,(我用std :: cout来测试),但是没有画任何东西。

Finally, here is where my main widget is called. 最后,这是我的主窗口小部件的调用位置。

Hill_hopper::Hill_hopper(): Game(500,500, "Hill Hopper") {

    Character * character = new Character(window);



And here's the game constructor: 这是游戏构造函数:

Game::Game(int _height, int _width, char * title): height(_height), width(_width) {

    int counter = 0;
    char ** args;

    application = new QApplication(counter, args);

    window = new QWidget();

    desktop = QApplication::desktop();



Any help would be greatly appreciated 任何帮助将不胜感激

Looks like you are missing Q_OBJECT macro in your headers. 看起来您的标头中缺少Q_OBJECT宏。 Though that might not be the problem if it gets called anyway. 虽然无论如何都可能不是问题。

In any case, I suggest you use Qt Creator for creating new classes, it will create the .h and the .cpp file skeletons for you, avoiding forgetting stuff like this. 无论如何,我建议您使用Qt Creator来创建新的类,它将为您创建.h和.cpp文件框架,以避免忘记这样的内容。

For a fast-updating game, you should probably have just one game area widget, where you draw everything moving. 对于快速更新的游戏,您可能应该只有一个游戏区域小部件,您可以在其中绘制所有移动的内容。 If you are drawing only QPixMaps (no direct text or line drawing, turn pieces of text to QPixmaps first), then just turning widget to QGLWidget will make rotating and scaling QPixMap "sprites" very fast without needing to write any OpenGL code yourself .But if the suggested QGraphicsView is fast enough, then it will do a lot if work for you, you should experiment with that first. 如果仅绘制QPixMaps(没有直接文本或线条绘制,请先将文本片段转换为QPixmaps),然后只需将小部件转换为QGLWidget,即可非常快速地旋转和缩放QPixMap“精灵”,而无需自己编写任何OpenGL代码。但是如果建议的QGraphicsView足够快,那么它将为您做很多工作,您应该首先尝试一下。

You should use QGraphicsView widget which is design for this kind of think. 您应该使用QGraphicsView窗口小部件,它是为这种思考而设计的。 In the scene ( QGraphicsScene ) of the QGraphicsView you can directly add widgets. QGraphicsView的场景( QGraphicsScene )中,您可以直接添加小部件。 The build-in system will manage your widgets and fire the paint event when needed. 内置系统将管理您的小部件并在需要时触发Paint事件。 In addition you have a lot of useful functionnality to find, move, etc. your widgets. 此外,您还具有许多有用的功能来查找,移动等小部件。

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