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Auto Scaling - 跨区域?

[英]Auto Scaling - Across regions?

I hope you can provide a quick response to my question.我希望你能快速回答我的问题。

Is it possible to create auto scaling group which spans across regions?是否可以创建跨区域的自动缩放组? Consider this scenario - Lets say all the availability zones in west are unavailabe.考虑这种情况——假设西部的所有可用区都不可用。 Can we configure auto scaling so that if the instance in US.West are down, create an instance in east zone?我们可以配置自动缩放,以便在 US.West 中的实例关闭时,在东部区域中创建一个实例吗?

I dont think it is possible, because we need to specify the region for AWS_AUTO_SCALING_URL while using Command line scripts, which restricts the creation of launch configs, auto scaling group within that region only.我认为这是不可能的,因为我们需要在使用命令行脚本时为 AWS_AUTO_SCALING_URL 指定区域,这限制了仅在该区域内创建启动配置、自动缩放组。

So we can only hope all the AZ's in that region are not down or move to VPC is that right?所以我们只能希望该区域中的所有 AZ 都没有关闭或移动到 VPC 是吗?

Elastic load balancing and Elastic IP are both region specific, I would assume that auto scaling is region specific and only between the availability zones in that region. 弹性负载平衡和弹性IP都是特定于区域的,我假设自动扩展是特定于区域的,并且仅在该区域的可用区域之间。 The white paper on building fault tolerant applications doesn't explicitly state that you could auto-scale across regions but it does say that you can across zones . 关于构建容错应用程序的白皮书没有明确指出您可以跨区域自动扩展,但确实可以跨区域进行扩展

"Auto Scaling can work across multiple Availability Zones in an AWS Region, making it easier to automate increasing and decreasing of capacity." “ Auto Scaling可以在AWS区域中的多个可用区中工作,从而使自动增加和减少容量变得更加容易。”

I would believe if they supported multi-region, they would explicitly say so. 我相信,如果他们支持多地区,他们会明确表示。

Thinking about this further, I'm not so sure it's even a good idea to auto-scale across regions. 进一步考虑,我不确定跨区域自动缩放甚至不是一个好主意。 Auto-scale is more geared for a specific tier of your application. 自动缩放功能更适合您的应用程序的特定层。

For example, if a region was to go down, you would not want some of your web servers to use services across a slow link to another region (potentially) across the country. 例如,如果某个区域发生故障,则您不希望您的某些Web服务器通过慢速链接(可能)连接到该国家/地区的另一区域使用服务。

Instead you would want route 53 to route the traffic to an autonomous stack running it's own auto-scaled layers in a separate region. 相反,您希望路由53将流量路由到在单独区域中运行其自身自动缩放图层的自治堆栈。

see this hosting chart everything from ELB down is region specific. 请参阅此托管图表,从ELB向下的所有内容都是特定于区域的。

An Auto Scaling group can contain EC2 instances from multiple Availability Zones within the same region. Auto Scaling组可以包含来自同一区域内多个可用区的EC2实例。 However, an Auto Scaling group can't contain EC2 instances from multiple regions. 但是,Auto Scaling组不能包含来自多个区域的EC2实例。

Read Note in this AWS Document 阅读此AWS文档中的 注释

EC2 Auto Scaling groups are regional constructs. EC2 Auto Scaling 组是区域结构。 They can span Availability Zones, but not AWS regions.它们可以跨越可用区,但不能跨越 AWS 区域。

PS.附言。 AWS Documentation AWS 文档

https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/autoscaling/faqs/ https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/autoscaling/faqs/

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