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[英]Bash redirect and stdin

I'm hoping this is a quick question for a guru. 我希望这对上师是一个快速的问题。 I have the following command which works great from the command line: 我有以下命令在命令行中效果很好:

 src/protected/yiic shell src/index.php <<< createmvp < /dev/tty

This command executes the yiic bash script and passes it the arguments shell and src/index.php. 此命令执行yiic bash脚本,并将参数shell和src / index.php传递给它。

The first <<< passes the argument createmvp to the terminal prompt which is displayed when yiic shell src/index.php is run on it's own. 第一个<<<将参数createmvp传递到终端提示符,当yiic shell src / index.php自行运行时显示。

The second < then allows std in to be returned to the application. 第二个<然后允许将std in返回到应用程序。

However when I run this inside a bash script 但是当我在bash脚本中运行它时

src/protected/yiic shell src/index.php <<< createmvp < /dev/tty

The script doesn't pass createmvp into the shell. 该脚本不会将createmvp传递到外壳中。 If I remove the < /dev/tty bit passing createmvp works, but then recapture the terminal obviously doesn't. 如果我删除通过createmvp的</ dev / tty位,则重新捕获终端显然没有用。 Nothing I seem to do works. 我似乎什么都没做。

    $input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        echo "$configVar can not be NULL";

Any ideas, on how to make this work as it does from the command line? 关于如何使它像在命令行中那样工作的任何想法?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Alan 艾伦

(echo createmvp; cat /dev/tty) | src/protected/yiic shell src/index.php

I think that the reason <<< createmvp < /dev/tty doesn't work is because both <<< and < are ways to specify the source for standard in and you can't do both. 我认为<<< createmvp < /dev/tty不起作用的原因是, <<<<都是指定标准输入源的方法,您不能两者都做。 <<< takes a string as an argument and passes it to stdin whereas < takes a file. <<<将字符串作为参数,并将其传递给stdin,而<将文件作为参数。

I think you should use eval: 我认为您应该使用eval:

cmd="src/protected/yiic shell src/index.php <<< createmvp < /dev/tty"
eval $cmd

To exit the script as soon as yiic processes the exit command itself, a trap on exit can be used for the yiic subshell: 要在yiic处理exit命令本身后立即退出脚本,可以在yiic子shell上使用exit trap

# small addition to cpugeniusmv's answer
(echo createmvp; cat /dev/tty) | 
    (trap 'kill 0' EXIT; src/protected/yiic shell src/index.php)

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