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[英]Using XmlSerializer with an array in the root element

I have an XML document similar to the following: 我有一个类似于以下的XML文档:

    <object name="C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\Target1.doc">
    <object name="C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\Target2.doc">

I am hoping to use the System.Xml.Serialization attributes to simplify XML deserialization. 我希望使用System.Xml.Serialization属性来简化XML反序列化。 The issue I have is I cannot work out how to specify that the root node contains an array. 我遇到的问题是我无法弄清楚如何指定根节点包含一个数组。

I have tried creating the following classes: 我尝试过创建以下类:

public class ScanDetails
    public ScanDetail[] Items { get; set; }

public class ScanDetail
    public string Filename { get; set; }

However when I deserialize the XML into the ScanDetails object the Items array remains null . 但是,当我将XML反序列化为ScanDetails对象时, Items数组保持为null

How do I deserialize an array in a root node? 如何反序列化根节点中的数组?

You should use [XmlElement] , and not [XmlArray] to decorate the Items property - it's already an array, and you only want to set the element name. 你应该使用[XmlElement] ,而不是[XmlArray]来装饰Items属性 - 它已经是一个数组,你只想设置元素名称。

public class StackOverflow_12924221
    public class ScanDetails
        public ScanDetail[] Items { get; set; }

    public class ScanDetail
        public string Filename { get; set; }

    const string XML = @"<scan_details> 
                            <object name=""C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\Target1.doc""> 
                            <object name=""C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\Target2.doc""> 
                        </scan_details> ";

    public static void Test()
        XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ScanDetails));
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XML));
        var obj = xs.Deserialize(ms) as ScanDetails;
        foreach (var sd in obj.Items)

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