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[英]Deploy jboss client jars to local maven repository

I have a local jboss installation on my box and I would like to deploy the jars in the client directory to my local Artifactory server. 我的机器上安装了本地jboss,我想将客户端目录中的jar部署到本地Artifactory服务器。

Is there are way do it in one single command, or should I deploy each single file individually? 有一个方法可以用一个命令完成,还是应该单独部署每个文件?

What I don't want: 我不想要的:

  1. Using the JBoss nexus maven repository. 使用JBoss nexus maven存储库。
  2. Add a proxy to JBoss nexus maven repo from my Artifactory. 从我的Artifactory向JBoss nexus maven回购添加代理。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Prepare the jar files to be uploaded in a local repository folder layout, like: 准备要在本地存储库文件夹布局中上载的jar文件,例如:

repository/org/jboss/logging/jboss-logging-spi/2.2.0-CR1/jboss-logging-spi-2.2.0.CR1.jar repository/org/jboss/javaee/jboss-javaee/5.0.1.GA/jboss-javaee-5.0.1.GA.jar 仓库/org/jboss/logging/jboss-logging-spi/2.2.0-CR1/jboss-logging-spi-2.2.0.CR1.jar仓库/org/jboss/javaee/jboss-javaee/5.0.1.GA /jboss-javaee-5.0.1.GA.jar

Use the pom.xml from here to batch upload them to maven repository by a single command mvn install . 此处使用pom.xml通过单个命令mvn install将它们批量上传到maven存储库。

Read my blog post for detail. 阅读我的博客文章以获取详细信息。

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