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[英]How to create script with Drush commands?

Is it possible to create file with sequence of drush commands to be executed? 是否可以使用要执行的drush命令序列来创建文件? In particular, I would like to write script, that would download and enable more Drupal modules for example script with these lines (pseudocode). 特别是,我想编写脚本,该脚本将下载并启用更多Drupal模块,例如带有这些行的脚本(伪代码)。

$modules = {"pathauto", "admin_menu", "i18n"}
drush dl $modules;
drush en $modules;

Is it possible without creating custom drush command? 是否可以不创建自定义drush命令?

I have already found solution. 我已经找到解决方案。 I can create a script with Drush API and using drush_invoke command I can call another drush commands. 我可以使用Drush API创建脚本,并使用drush_invoke命令调用另一个drush命令。

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