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PhoneGap / Android自定义键盘

[英]PhoneGap / Android custom keyboard

I'm developing an app with multiple input[type=numer] elements. 我正在开发具有多个input[type=numer]元素的应用程序。 Android only for now. 仅限Android。

The built-in numeric keyboard has two problems: 内置数字键盘有两个问题:

 * it's inconsistent (different on different versions of Android)
 * it has unnecessary keys (space, dash, comma and "next") which add confusion.

I'd like to have a keyboard with just numbers, comma and backspace . 我想要一个只有numbers, comma and backspace的键盘。 Is that possible? 那可能吗?

Edit Oct 3, 2013 . 编辑2013年10月3日 A third problem appeared and it's by far the worst. 出现了第三个问题,这是最严重的问题。 It looks like Samsung decided to skip the decimal character (".") from their numeric keyboard, at least the one that pops when input[type=numer] gets the focus in the browser. 三星似乎决定从其数字键盘上跳过小数点(“。”),至少当input[type=numer]成为浏览器焦点时弹出的小数点。 It seems all Galaxy S4 devices are affected (I've seen it on the S4 Mini, I don't have access to many Samsung devices... all I see are Nexus lovers :-)). 似乎所有Galaxy S4设备都受到影响(我已经在S4 Mini上看到过,我无法使用许多三星设备...我所看到的都是Nexus爱好者:-)。 I couldn't find much about the issue in Google, but I've seen Galaxy S4 users complain about it in 2012 (I've tried it on one S3 a few weeks ago and it was OK). 我在Google上找不到太多有关此问题的信息,但我看到Galaxy S4用户在2012年对此有所抱怨(几周前我曾在一台S3上进行过尝试,还可以)。

Long story short, after a careful consideration I decided to implement my own keyboard in html/javascript (Samsung is too important, I'm getting bad reviews just because of it and I don't think I can do anything to fix it). 长话短说,经过慎重考虑,我决定在html / javascript中实现自己的键盘(三星太重要了,仅仅因为它而我获得了不好的评价,我认为我无能为力。) I'm in the process of rewriting my app, I'll try to remember and tell the story when I'm done. 我正在重写我的应用程序,我会尽力记住并讲完故事。

Edit Dec 3, 2013 . 编辑2013年12月3日 My current solution (still in alpha stage, the app rewrite takes me way longer than I expected) is a keyboard implemented entirely in javascript. 我目前的解决方案(仍处于Alpha阶段,应用程序重写花了我比预期更长的时间)是完全用javascript实现的键盘。 I used regular <span> elements instead of <input> to prevent OS keyboard from popping out. 我使用常规的<span>元素而不是<input>来防止OS键盘弹出。 As an added benefit, I get to control everything about the keyboard, so I added a few arithmetical keys (x, -, *, /, ( and )) and the user can type in expressions, for example "3x(2+5.5)" instead of "15". 另外一个好处是,我可以控制键盘的所有内容,因此添加了一些算术键(x,-,*,/,(和)),用户可以键入表达式,例如“ 3x(2 + 5.5) )”,而不是“ 15”。 I'll link to the app when it's ready (still at least a few more weeks). 准备就绪时,我将链接到该应用程序(至少还有几周)。

Sure it is. 当然是啦。

First, configure your activity to never show the keyboard (try android:windowSoftInputMode = "stateAlwaysHidden"). 首先,将您的活动配置为从不显示键盘(尝试android:windowSoftInputMode =“ stateAlwaysHidden”)。 You may have some problems if EditText insists on pulling it up, but you can make a mock EditText based on TextView to go around that, or inherit EditText and override some methods. 如果EditText坚持将其提起,则可能会遇到一些问题,但是您可以基于TextView创建一个模拟EditText来解决该问题,或者继承EditText并重写某些方法。 There are multiple guide on that, like here: Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard 上面有多个指南,例如: 关闭/隐藏Android软键盘

Second, create your own UI-keyboard element, with any buttons you want in however layout you want, and catch button presses on this keyboard, for each press, append the appropriate character to the EditText/TextView's displayed text. 其次,创建您自己的UI-keyboard元素,使用所需的任何按钮(无论布局如何),并在此键盘上捕捉按钮的按下,对于每次按下,将适当的字符附加到EditText / TextView的显示文本中。

That said, users may not like it. 也就是说,用户可能不喜欢它。 As much as you hate that keyboards look differently for each device, each user is used to his own keyboard, and expects to see it when editing text. 您可能讨厌每个设备的键盘看起来都不一样,但每个用户都习惯于自己的键盘,并希望在编辑文本时能看到它。 I urge you to reconsider. 我敦促您重新考虑。

Thanks for the update. 感谢更新。 Here is how I'm implementing it. 这就是我的实现方式。 It might be similar to how you are doing it. 这可能与您的操作方式相似。 I'd be curious what issues you've run into so far. 我很好奇您到目前为止遇到了什么问题。

I haven't moved this to production yet so still testing but it seems to work well so far. 我尚未将其移至生产环境,因此仍在进行测试,但到目前为止看来效果很好。 I've removed some validations from the code below to make it much shorter... 我从下面的代码中删除了一些验证,以使其更短...

Basically the keyboard is 1 line on the iPad and 2 lines on the phone. 基本上,键盘在iPad上是1行,在电话上是2行。 It supports any input field with the class "keyboard" and highlights the entire ".keyboard-item" so it is clear to the user which field they are updating. 它支持类“键盘”的任何输入字段,并突出显示整个“ .keyboard-item”,因此用户可以清楚地知道它们正在更新哪个字段。

    <div id="stuff">
            <li> <label for="name">Name</label> </li>
            <li> <input type="text" id="name" class="required"/> </li>
        <ul class="keyboard-item">
            <li> <label for="number">#</label> </li>
            <li> <input type="text" id="number" class="keyboard required" pattern="[0-9]*" readonly="readonly" onkeypress="dosomething(this)"/> </li>

    <div class="mobile-number-keyboard">
        <div class="mobile-number-keyboard1"> <span style="padding-left: 20px;">0</span> <span>1</span> <span>2</span> <span>3</span> <span>4</span> <span style="padding-right: 20px;">5</span> </div>
        <div class="mobile-number-keyboard2"> <span style="padding-left: 20px;">6</span> <span>7</span> <span>8</span> <span>9</span> <span style="width: 8px;">.</span> <span style="padding-right: 20px;"><</span> </div>

    .mobile-number-keyboard { width: 101%; height: 40px; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 20px; }
    body.phone .mobile-number-keyboard { height: 80px; }
    .mobile-number-keyboard span { float: left; padding: 8px 22px; border: 1px outset White; cursor: pointer; background-color: #4F81BD; color: White; }
    .mobile-number-keyboard span:hover { background-color: #87CEFA; }
    .mobile-number-keyboard span:active { border-style: inset; background-color: #00E5EE; }
    body.phone .mobile-number-keyboard2 { clear: both; height: 40px; }
    .keyboard-focus { background: #FFC1C1; border: 1px solid red; }
    .keyboard-item-focus { background: #00E5EE; }

    function initCustomKeyboard(jContainer) {
            jContainer.find('input, select, textarea').click(function() {

                var me = $(this);

                if (me.hasClass('keyboard')) {
                    var parent = me.parent();

                    if (parent.hasClass('keyboard-item')) {
                    } else {
                        parent = parent.parent();

                        if (parent.hasClass('keyboard-item')) {
                        } else {
                            parent = parent.parent();

                            if (parent.hasClass('keyboard-item')) {

            jContainer.find('.mobile-number-keyboard').find('span').click(function() {
                var me = $(this);
                var val = me.text();
                var box = jContainer.find('.keyboard-focus');

                var bval = box.val();
                var blen = bval.length

                if (box.length > 0) {
                    if (val === '<') {
                        if (blen === 0) { return; }

                        if (blen > 1 && bval.substring(blen-2, blen-1) === ' ') {
                            box.val( bval.substring(0, blen - 2) );
                        } else {
                            box.val( bval.substring(0, blen - 1) );

                        var whichCode = 8;
                    } else {
                        var max = box.attr('maxlength');
                        var whichCode = val.charCodeAt(0);

                        if (max === undefined || parseInt(max) > blen) {
                            box.val(bval + val);
                        } else {

                    var ev = $.Event('keydown');
                    ev.which = whichCode;

                    ev = $.Event('keypress');
                    ev.which = whichCode;

                ev = $.Event('keyup');
                    ev.which = whichCode;

    $(function() { initCustomKeyboard('#stuff'); }

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