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[英]Apply Theme/Dynamic CSS to a Page/any HTML Element

At some point, Users might get bored of the Style/Theme of the WEB applications . 在某些时候,用户可能会厌倦WEB applicationsStyle/Theme
They might think, " Only If I could make it look the way I like it " 他们可能会想,“ 只有我能让它看起来像我喜欢的样子

example : 例如

  • I myself is a user of Stack Overflow. 我自己是Stack Overflow的用户。 What if I Like the Page-headerBar to look Blue/Purple 如果我喜欢Page-headerBar看起来像蓝色/紫色怎么办?
  • Page itself to have a Black background and white text color 页面本身具有黑色背景和白色文本颜色
  • ... ...

My need : 我的需要
Not just change the class attribute but the complete CSS definition itself. 不仅要更改类属性,还要更改完整的CSS定义本身。
If we force the users to select from a set of Stylesheets, that would be constricting them to a small space, So I like to avoid that. 如果我们强制用户从一组样式表中进行选择,那将会将它们限制在一个小空间内,所以我想避免这样做。

* Note * I need it in pure javascript not using any jquery plugin or any jquery script *注意*我需要在纯javascript中不使用任何jquery插件或任何jquery脚本

You Can Try This Its Pure Javascript 你可以试试这个纯粹的Javascript

    function applyit()
        var ref = document.querySelector("#divel");
        var bdy = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
        var style = (bdy.querySelector("#thm") || document.createElement("style"));
        var reqCSS = prompt("Enter the CSS Body","color:#AA5533;");
        style.innerHTML = ".cus{"+reqCSS+"}";
    <style> .def { color:#0000FF; } </style>

<div id="divel" class="def">
  <h3>This is a heading in a div element Which Has The Color Change</h3>
  <p>This is p tag in a div element Which Has The Color Change.</p>

<p onclick="applyit();">Click Here To Change The Color For Heading and p tag.</p>

Note: We could store the User Preferred style in browserStorage/Server to improve UserExperience 注意:我们可以将用户首选样式存储在browserStorage / Server中以改善UserExperience

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