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[英]Why am I getting the error “non-template 'f' used as template”

I'm trying to understand where to use template and typename and I came across a problem I can't quite get around. 我试图了解在哪里使用templatetypename ,我遇到了一个我无法解决的问题。 I have a template-function f<T> which uses the type passed to it (which will be a class) to call the template-member-function .f<T> . 我有一个模板函数f<T> ,它使用传递给它的类型(将是一个类)来调用template-member-function .f<T> I think my use of typename in the function body is correct, however, I keep getting the following error: 我认为我在函数体中使用typename是正确的,但是,我一直收到以下错误:

source.cpp: In function 'void f()' : source.cpp:在函数'void f()'
source.cpp:11:19: error: non-template 'f' used as template source.cpp:11:19:错误:非模板'f'用作模板
source.cpp:11:19: note: use 'typename T::C::template f' to indicate that it is a template source.cpp:11:19:注意:使用'typename T::C::template f'来表示它是一个模板

struct A {
  struct C {
     template <typename T> void f() {}

template <typename T> void f() {

  typename T::C::f<int>();


int main() {



Notice how on the last error it advises to use 'typename T::C::template f' instead. 注意如何在最后一个错误上建议使用'typename T::C::template f' So I made the following change in accordance: 所以我按照以下方式做了以下更改:

// ...
typename T::C::template f<int>();
// ...

I did as it said, but then I received the next line of error: 我按照说法做了,但后来收到了下一行错误:

error: no class template named 'f' in 'struct A::C' 错误: 'struct A::C'没有名为'f'类模板

I believe this error is incorrect in that there is in fact a public template function named f in struct A::C . 我相信,这个错误是不正确的,有其实名为公共模板函数fstruct A::C What could I be doing wrong here? 我在这里做错了什么?

Assuming we make f static so it can be called without an instance, you don't need typename because you're not creating any ambiguities with a dependent type (ie C can't be a variable because you use it with :: just after). 假设我们使f static因此可以在没有实例的情况下调用它,因此您不需要使用typename因为您不会使用依赖类型创建任何歧义(即C不能是变量,因为您在:: just之后使用它)。 Here is the correct syntax: 这是正确的语法:

struct A {
  struct C {
     template <typename T>
     static void f() {}

template <typename T> void f() {
  T::C::template f<int>();

If you wanted not to make it static, you'd create a A::C and use .template f<int>() : 如果你不想让它静态,你可以创建一个A::C并使用.template f<int>()

struct A {
  struct C {
     template <typename T>
     static void f() {}

template <typename T> void f() {
  typename T::C c;
//^^^^^^^^ Now we DO need typename to disambiguate.

  c.template f<int>();

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