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[英]How do I delete a row from one table, when no more rows exist in another

I would like to know the best way to check one table of data, and when no more rows exist matching the WHERE clause, delete a row from another table. 我想知道检查一个数据表的最佳方法,并且当不存在与WHERE子句匹配的更多行时,请从另一表中删除一行。

I have tried myself but it has become too cumbersome with 6 queries and nested if/else, and it doesn't work to top it off. 我已经尝试过了,但是6个查询变得非常麻烦,如果/ else则嵌套了,就无法成功了。

I have never used SQL join's before, so examples will help me to understand responses. 我以前从未使用过SQL连接,因此示例将帮助我理解响应。

I have a table of devices, there is a master table with a device and a password. 我有一个设备表,有一个带设备和密码的主表。

There is a second table containing the multiple rows of the device in the above table, and a series of serial numbers. 第二张表包含上表中设备的多行,以及一系列序列号。

When the second table no longer contains any of the serial numbers listed in the master table, I want the row containing the device and password from the master table. 当第二个表不再包含主表中列出的任何序列号时,我希望该行包含主表中的设备和密码。

If you mean like when you have a table customer and a table order, delete the customers if they have no orders? 如果您的意思是当您有一个表客户和一个表订单时,如果他们没有订单,将其删除吗? Then you can use subselect: 然后,您可以使用subselect:

delete from customer where customerid not in (select customerid from order)

You coult make a DELETE statement like 你coult作出这样一个DELETE语句

DELETE FROM masterTable WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT masterTableID FROM secondaryTable)

This would delete all the rows from the master-table which don't have any references in the second table. 这将从主表中删除所有在第二张表中没有任何引用的行。 That also means it would not delete only one row, but all of the matching ones. 这也意味着它将不会只删除一行,而是删除所有匹配的行。 The only necessary thing you need is that every row in the second table references to the master table. 您唯一需要的是第二个表中的每一行都引用主表。

DELETE table_devices
FROM table_devices
left JOIN serial ON table_devices.id= serial.device_id
WHERE serial.device_id is null

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